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Tag Archives: Māori Studies

Te Tumu Graduates in May 2017

Eight Te Tumu students graduated in the May ceremonies last weekend.

Hine Te Ariki Parata-Walker (Ngāti Porou, Ngāi Tahu) completed a Master of Indigenous Studies (MIndS). Her research topic, supervised by Professor Paul Tapsell, investigated procedures around hahunga (the exhumation of ancestral remains) in modern times.  Select Parata-Walker abstract for further details.

Karurangi Salu (Tainui, Ngāpuhi, Samoan) gained a BA(Hons) with her research, entitled “Māku anō tōku nei whare e hanga”, looked at how haka and waiata are used in teaching at Te Whare Kura o Rākaumanga to pass on Tainui history, reo, tikanga and whakapapa.  Dr Karyn Paringātai supervised.  Select Salu abstract for further details.

Rieko Hayakawa also graduated with a PhD in Pacific Islands Studies.

Congratulations also to our BA graduates.

Alice Anderson (Ngāi Tahu), BA in Indigenous Development/Te Kura Matanui.

Luaipouamalo Gafa (Samoan), BA in Pacific Islands Studies.

Maiora Puketapu-Dentice (Te Āti Awa, Tūhoe), BA in Māori Studies and History.

Tataioterangi Reedy (Ngāti Porou, Te Whānau a Apanui), BA in Indigenous Development/Te Kura Matanui.

Roma Simmons-Donaldson (Ngāti Porou, Taranaki, Tainui, Ngāti Tūwharetoa), BA in Māori Studies.

Profiling: Jim Williams

Te Tumu’s Research Blog will be posting occasional profiles of our academic staff, highlighting their research interests and publication.

Introducing Dr Jim Williams.

jimwilliamsJim is a Senior Lecturer and has been with Te Tumu since 1992.

Research direction

* Ngāi Tahu history and language.

* Resource management including mahika kai, and comparisons with other Indigenous peoples.

Jim is currently exploring the dynamics of oral transmission of traditional stories, with a view to publishing a book, which will examine the extent to which Māori families pass on Māui stories, compared with Navajo and their stories about Mai’I (coyote – the trickster that predominates amongst Native Americans). A secondary theme will be looking at Europeans attitudes to those stories.

Jim is most interested in talking to prospective students about comparison of traditional ways with the views of contemporary Māori.

Recent supervisions


Delyn Day, “Te Awhio-Rangi: Te Toki Mata Ngero o Te Ao Whetu” 2009 – 2013

Anne-Marie Jackson, “The Taiapure Process and to What Extent it Needs to be Altered to Achieve Tangata Whenua Objectives”, 2009 – 2011

David McKay, “Indigenous Perspectives in Environmental Education” 2009 – 2013


Henare Mita, “The Ngāi Tahu Claims Settlement Act 1998: The Quest for Ngāi Tahu Tino Rangatiratanga” 2008 – 2009

Katrina Bryant, “Hauā Matau Māori”, 2012 – 2014


Hori Barsdell “Pā” 2014.


Selected Publications

Book Chapters

(2014) “Food and the Maori” in Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures, Springer, Dordrecht

(2010)  “Towards a Model for Indigenous Research on traditional topics” in Hokowhitu, B., Kermoal, N., Andersen, C., Reilly, M., Rewi, P. & Petersen, A. (2010, Indigenous Identity and Resistance: Researching the Diversity of Knowledge. Dunedin: University of Otago Press. Dunedin

Refereed Journal articles

2014 Williams, Jim 2014; “He Aitua nā Tamatea”, in Te Pouhere Kōrero Journal, Vol. 7, Pp.47-56.

2013 Williams, Jim 2013; “Juxtaposed Narratives of “The Battle of Crowheart Butte”, in Ethnohistory, Vol. 60 (4) Fall 2013, Pp 567-579.

2012  Williams, Jim 2012; Ngāi Tahu Kaitiakitanga, in MAI Journal 2012, Volume 1 (2):89-102.

2010  Williams, Jim 2010; ‘Mahika kai: THE HUSBANDING OF CONSUMABLES BY MĀORI IN PRE_CONTACT TE WĀIPOUNAMU”, in Journal of the Polynesian Society, Vol. 119 (2) Pp 149-180

2006 Williams, Jim 2006; ‘Resource management and Māori attitudes to water in southern New Zealand’, in New Zealand Geographer Vol 62:75-82

 Click here for Jim’s webpage

Contact details

Please feel free to call in or make contact with Jim to discuss supervision.

Room Richardson South Tower, Rm 4S7

Phone 64 3 479 7385


Inaugural Te Tumu Postgraduate “Thesis Games”

We all know how difficult it can be to talk about our research, particularly when we have to do it succinctly.  Te Tumu’s postgrad students were put to the test today with our first inaugural “Thesis Games”, with each presenting their research within about three minutes.


Click to enlarge. From left, Tangiwai Rewi, Hori Barsdell, Lana Arun, Gianna Leoni, Marcelle Wharerau, Ane Tatu, Tyson Tautari, Suzanne Duncan, Tawini White, John Birnie, Marsa Dodson.

The topics were many and varied: Tawini White: “He Manawa Hapū” (on hapū identity in Te Rarawa); Tyson Tautari: “Dogs Tale” (on the Polynesian dog); Ane Tatu: “Are you Dongan or Tongan? An examination of the ways in which New Zealand born and raised Tongans self-define and experience anga fakatonga (the Tongan way of life) and being Tongan”; Hori Barsdell: “What is the Significance of Pā Today?”; Lana Arun: “Archaeology and Tikanga” (on how Māori knowledge fits into the archaeoly profession; Marcelle Wharerau: “You Maaris get everything” (on perceptions of Māori privilege at university); Tangiwai Rewi: “Maaku anoo e hanga tooku nei whare…” (on intergenerational knowledge transfer within Waikato); John Birnie: “What if the mountain won’t come to Mohammed? Learner-centredness for adults learning te reo Māori”; Marsa Dodson: “Mixed blessings: Oral Histories of the War Children Born to US Servicemen and Indigenous Cook Islanders”; Gianna Leoni: “Power to Policy” (on the use of te reo Māori within government departments); and Suzanne Duncan: “Where is the whanau?” (on whānau involvement within the Māori economy).

gianna-PhD winner

Professor Michael Reilly, Dean of Te Tumu, and the PhD winner, Gianna Leoni.

There was a great turnout of people, including a number of Te Tumu under-graduates.  All the speakers were amazing and engaged the audience.  Congratulations to the winners: Ane Tatu for Honours level, Marcelle Wharerau for Masters Level, and Gianna Leoni for PhD level.

Such was the success, Te Tumu is sure to hold another such event next year.  There is even talk of something similar for staff.


Special thanks to our judges, Shiobharn Smith, Māori, Pacific & Indigenous Subject Librarian, and Esme Eteuati, Pacific Islands Student Support Officer (Humanities).


Dr Karyn Paringatai’s success celebrated.


Te Tumu lecturer, Dr Karyn Paringatai and Professor Harlene Haynes, Vice Chancellor of the University of Otago.

On Monday night, the Vice-Chancellor celebrated Te Tumu staff member, Dr Karyn Paringatai’s success, with an event attended by many people from within the university, including Te Tumu staff and students.    See the Otago Bulletin story here.


Indigenising the Academy – performing Ngoi Pewhairangi’s “Whakarongo” in the University of Otago’s Council Chambers to celebrate the success of Dr Karyn Paringatai.

Karyn won New Zealand’s top tertiary teaching award recently in Wellington, the Prime Minister’s Supreme Award for Tertiary Teaching Excellence, based on utilising the pre-contact Māori pedagogy of teaching in complete darkness, which has proved to be outstandingly successful in her performing arts paper, MAOR108 Waiata: Te Tīmatanga. Listen to the Radio NZ interview and Dunedin Television item in which Karyn explains her teaching practice.

Karyn has undertaken significant research to ensure that her teaching in the dark, and has just published on this ‘A Return to the “Dark Ages”’ in the journal Akoranga 10 (2014).

Just this week Karyn also employed the same methods in a guest lecture for the 900 students of MAOR102: Māori Society, showing that this pedagogy can be applied to more than just performing arts. She is planning to continue to use and develop “teaching in the dark” and publish more on this research.