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Purchase Card coding

Coding is a monthly activity that requires the coder (cardholder or delegated authority)  to review and code expenses throughout the month using the University’s financial system, Finance One.

Bank transactions are loaded into Finance One each day and will automatically email the cardholder and coder notification every four days if there are transactions ready to be reviewed and coded.

It is the responsibility of the cardholder to ensure that the coding has been correctly completed by 12pm on the first working day of each month, so that statements can be generated for sign-off.

Access to and installation of Finance One

To code Purchase Cards, the coder will need to have access to Finance One with the correct access permissions.

The cardholder (or cardholder’s manager) needs to complete the DSA/Finance One Application form to apply for access and email this to

More information on Finance One is available on the Financial Services website.

For assistance with Finance One, contact AskOtago.

  • Make a request by logging in to the Ask Otago Customer Portal
  • Tel 64 3 479 7000 or 0800 80 80 98
  • Email