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Consultations: Getting out and about

eLearning and eResearch consultants Matthew Smart and Kimberley Johnston spent a morning working with distance staff at the recent (re)Design Workshop. Matthew and Kimberley answered a wide range of questions about the various teaching technologies available at Otago and how they might best be used to help staff achieve their various teaching goals. Questions included:

  • What’s the difference between a wiki, a blog and a discussion board?
  • Should I use Blackboard blogs or Otago Blogs?
  • How should I set up my discussion boards in Blackboard?
  • How can I get my students to engage with the discussion board more?

If you have an interesting IT project you’d like to start, but you’re not sure how to go about it or who to talk to – eLearning can help out. If your project is teaching or research based eLearning can help you work out what you’re trying to do, show you what is currently available and put you in touch with people around the university that can help you.

If you’d like some help contact the ITS Service Desk and a consultation can be arranged.

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