
Digitising a geological map in ArcGIS Desktop

I’ve made a new page on the website which covers digitising a geological map in ArcGIS desktop. The page has written instructions and a series of screencasts that cover: georeferencing, digitising contacts, generating polygons and other steps. Links to other instructions that cover other parts of digitising a map are also included.

Plotting structural geology data in ArcGIS

Update: I suggest using ArcGIS Pro instead of ArcMap – if you need help with this let me know.

This tutorial covers plotting structural geology data in ArcGIS. In this tutorial I am going to use the example of plotting foliation data, but this is applicable to any data where a rotated symbol is required.


Adding XY data to ArcGIS

This tutorial covers adding XY data to ArcGIS, so that you can view and work with the data in ArcGIS. By XY data I mean point data such as foliation that has a spatial (XY) component associated with it.


How to use https://koordinates.com/ to download/view spatial data


https://koordinates.com/ is a website that allows users and data suppliers to upload/download data with a spatial component. The advantage this site has over other data repositories is that the user can choose which data they like, which format, and over which area in a granular way. It also has a very good interface for viewing data/metadata.
These sites are powered by koordinates.

Grid reference systems: how to make them

All about how to make grid reference systems. Before you try to make your own you should read this page:
