
Grid reference systems: What are they?

This page explains grid reference systems, with specific emphasis on New Zealand. If you are interested in making a grid reference system for your map read this page and then see:

What is a grid reference system?

A grid reference system is a simplified grid used for a map area to make reporting and looking up coordinates easier.
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PDFSaM: free software for splitting and merging pdfs

PDFSaM is free software for splitting and merging pdfs. This is a viable alternative to paid software like Acrobat Pro. Read more

Reducing the file size of reports, theses and other written documents (compressing)

This page covers reducing the file size of reports, theses and other written documents (compressing). Figures/images are the main contributor to large file sizes for documents. I show you how to deal with figures/images as you make them. I also show you how to compress the images in the document when you have finished writing. Read more

Illustration/Graphics resources incl. USGS patterns pack

I’ve just put a new section on this website with Illustration/Graphics resources. In this section is a page with a USGS AI pack instructions and a download link. The pack contains patterns for geological mapping such as schist, limestone and other things. The instructions make it really easy to use.

I will be adding a USGS Inkscape pack soon with instructions. I will also be adding more Illustration/Graphics resources as time permits.

Creating a topo profile and blank cross section using ArcGIS

Creating a topo profile and blank cross section using ArcGIS (Video instructions)


Creating a topo profile and blank cross section using ArcGIS (text instructions)

Get the cross section template