
Handling images in MS word mac 2011

These are instructions for handling images in MS word 2011 on MacOS, including instructions on outputting final PDF. These instructions probably also apply to versions form 2010-2014. (more…)

Handling images using MS word PC (2013)

These are detailed instructions for different approaches to handling images in MS word 2013 and producing PDF export at the end. These instructions also apply generally to versions from 2010 onwards… (more…)

Reducing the file size of reports, theses and other written documents (compressing)

This page covers reducing the file size of reports, theses and other written documents (compressing). Figures/images are the main contributor to large file sizes for documents. I show you how to deal with figures/images as you make them. I also show you how to compress the images in the document when you have finished writing. (more…)