
Grid reference systems: how to make them

All about how to make grid reference systems. Before you try to make your own you should read this page:


Creating a topo profile and blank cross section using ArcGIS

Creating a topo profile and blank cross section using ArcGIS (Video instructions)


Creating a topo profile and blank cross section using ArcGIS (text instructions)

Get the cross section template



Coordinate systems in ArcGIS 10

One thing that has always frustrated me in ArcGIS is selecting coordinate systems. ArcGIS does feature a “favourites” options for coordinate systems but this only appears in a couple of dialog boxes.

The solution: Just copy and paste the coordinate system files to the same folder as all your coordinate systems.

On my computer the path was C:\Program FIles (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\Coordinate Systems.

path to coordinate systems in ArcGIS
copy and paste coordinate systems you use often

Now when I browse they appear right under coordinate systems.

Quick access to coordinate systems