Sriya has a PhD (Management Accounting), MSc (Management Science), MBA, PGDip (Economic Development), BSc Business Administration (Hons), CPA and has teaching and research experience in Sri Lanka, Japan, and New Zealand. She has also worked in the private sector as an executive director. Has engaged in research in the areas of social responsibility in the ancient Ceylon, GRI applications of CSR in Japanese companies, entry mode and staffing policies of Japanese MNCs, Middle managers and OB, ethical business practices and leadership, and integrated reporting in listed companies.
selected Papers of interest:
- Kumarasinghe, S., Will, M., and Hoshino, Y., (Forthcoming). Enhancing performance by disclosing more: Some evidence from Japanese companies, Pacific Accounting Review (B)
- Kumarasinghe, S. & Hoshino, Y. (2010) The Role and Perceptions of Middle Managers and Their Influence on Business Performance: The Case of Sri Lanka, International Business Research, 3 (4), 3-16.
- Visitors’ perceptions of service quality of five-star hotels in Sri Lanka; An application of SERVQUAL model (under review)
- Examining the impression management techniques used in governance, accountability , and social responsibility in ancient Ceylon (under review)
- Ethics as strategy: A longitudinal case study of an SME (in progress)