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Dr Mansi Mansi

Mansi obtained a Ph.D in Management from RMIT University, Australia in 2013. She holds a Master of International Business from LaTrobe University, Australia. Mansi works in the area of sustainable procurement, sustainability reporting and disclosures, and accounting for biodiversity. Mansi has reviewed scholarly papers for reputed journals (Academy of Management, Journal of Management History, Journal of Business Ethics, and Asian Accounting Review). Since 2013, Mansi has received 5 internal and 1 external grant. She is the course coordinator of two courses: BSNS401 & ACCT325.

selected Papers of interest:

  • (Accepted) Adler,R., Mansi,M., Pandey, R,. and Stringer, C (2017) “United Nations Decade on Biodiversity: A study of reporting practices in the Australian mining industry”, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal (forthcoming) ABDC ranked A
  • (Accepted) Adler,R., Mansi,M., Pandey, R (2017) “Biodiversity and threatened species reporting by the top Fortune Global companies” Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal (forthcoming) ABDC ranked A
  • Mansi Mansi, Rakesh Pandey and Ehtasham Ghauri , (2017),” CSR focus in the mission and vision statements of public sector enterprises: Evidence from India “, Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 32 Iss 4/5 ABDC ranked B
  • Mansi M., & Pandey, R. (2016). Impact of demographic characteristics of procurement professionals on sustainable procurement practices: Evidence from Australia. Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management (ABDC Ranked B)
  • Pandey R, Vithessonthi C and Mansi M (2015) Busy CEOs and the Performance of Family Firms, Research in International Business and Finance, Vol. 33 , pp 144-166 (ABDC Ranked B)
  • Mansi M (2015) Sustainable procurement disclosure practices in central public sector enterprises: Evidence from India, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Vol. 21 (2), pp 125-137 (ABDC Ranked B)
  • Mansi M, Pandey R and Stringer C (2014) Biodiversity Reporting in India: A view from top, in Corporate Ownership and Control, Vol. 12 (1), pp 418-427 (ABDC Ranked B)