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Tag Archives: blackboard

Blackboard Upgrade – confirmed

After much planning and testing ITS can now confirm that our current Blackboard system (version 8.0) will be upgrading to version 9 in December.

As part of this upgrade process Blackboard will be unavailable from 5pm Friday 3 December till 9am Monday 20 December. During this time ITS will be moving papers from the current system to the new one. Please be aware we are only taking what we need with us in the move. If your students require access to teaching materials during the outage please contact the ITS HelpDesk ( and let them know.

If you would like to check if your paper is getting moved – check out the Blackboard Upgrade blog: List of papers being moved

If you would like to find out about the free seminars ITS Training is running throughout November – check out the Blackboard upgrade blog: Training for users

For more information on this upgrade see the Blackboard Upgrade blog, this blog will continue to be updated frequently with information about the upgrade and training, as well as highlighting the new features of Blackboard 9.

If you still have questions about the upgrade please contact the ITS HelpDesk (

Blackboard Upgrade 2010 – Blog launch

In December 2010, we plan to upgrade Blackboard to version 9.1 (we’re currently on version 8). At present we are in the very early stages of testing, and have launched a blog that will keep you up to date with where we’re up to and give you some resources and information about the new version.

For all you need to know about the Otago Blackboard 2010 upgrade see the blog at

Anti-plagiarism information for Students

In their enrolment packs this year, students have been given a Plagiarism information card.  The card advises students that we are using a plagiarism detection software tool (Safeassign, available in all Blackboard papers).  It also gives them the address of the Plagiarism information site, which includes:

  • what plagiarism is
  • how best to avoid plagiarising
  • how to reference material of others when used in an assignment.

The address for the information page is:

You might like to include this link in your Blackboard paper, or course book, or other website that you use to support the teaching of your paper.

Plagiarism Information card for students