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Tag Archives: PACI201

Exciting Opportunity for PACI student.

We are happy to announce a major success for Eden Iati of the PACI201 class (Tagata Pasifika: Peoples of Oceania).

Eden has been selected by the McGuiness Foundation to participate in a 72 hour workshop in Wellington in December on TacklingPovertyNZ: Exploring ways to reduce poverty in New Zealand.

The course will bring together 30 young New Zealanders who will work together to prepare a youth perspective on poverty in Aotearoa New Zealand, and how to tackle it. Those selected will be engaging with government ministers, Treasury, Auckland City Mission, Economic think tanks and many others.

PACI201, a paper within Te Tumu’s Pacific Islands Studies major, proved to be an excellent support to Eden as it examines issues such as poverty, inequality, urbanisation and land in a Pacific context.

Well done Eden!