Illustration and map resources
This page has some illustration and graphics resources, such as patterns, brushes symbols etc. especially for geological figures and mapping.
Inkscape illustration and map resources
- USGS Inkscape pack instructions and download link (contains patterns for geological mapping such as schist, limestone and other things.)
- blank_A2_template_with_layers_v2.svg (right click save link as)
- Symbol Sheet 2016.svg (Geological symbol sheet – right click save link as)
Adobe Illustrator illustration and map resources
These are mostly for adobe illustrator CS5.
- USGS AI pack instructions and download link (contains patterns for geological mapping such as schist, limestone and other things.)
- Symbol Sheet (Geological symbol sheet – right click save link as)
Geological mapping symbols font
- OUGeology1
font with geological symbols that can be installed on your computer and used in ArcGIS Desktop
Other useful resources and tutorials
- Symbol-Sheet-2016.pdf (Geological symbol sheet in PDF format)
- Keeping a symbols document
A post I wrote about keeping a symbols document in adobe illustrator, Inkscape or whatever graphics software you are using. - Preparing a topo overlay in ArcGIS desktop
- Digitising a geological map in ArcGIS desktop
- Digitising a hand drawn geological map using inkscape
- Grid paper, stereonets and other printable resources