Te Tumu Seminar
Dr. Victoria Mason (School of Politics and International Relations, ANU) will be giving the next Te Tumu seminar on 3pm, Wednesday 9 September in R3S10 (Te Iringa Kōrero, Te Tumu)
Title: ‘Planned misery’: Oslo, aid, and the human rights industry in Palestine
An afternoon tea will follow the seminar.
Abstract: Despite a plethora of human rights initiatives, conflict resolution attempts, and considerable international humanitarian and development funding, the international community has not only been unable to bring about meaningful resolution of the Palestinian question, but has, ironically, compounded the situation facing Palestinians. This paper posits that these failures result from the international community dealing with Palestinian rights in a ritualistic and perfunctory way.
Presenter biography: Dr. Victoria Mason is a Lecturer in the School of Politics and International Relations at the Australian National University in Canberra. Her research focuses on human rights issues and peace and conflict studies. Within these fields she works on a number of areas including Palestinian human rights, the wider Israel-Palestine conflict, human rights in peace processes, refugees in the Middle East and Islamophobia.