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Tag Archives: disaster anthropology

New book: Indigenous Pacific Approaches to Climate Change

Jenny Bryant-Tokalau of our Pacific Islands Studies programme has just published a new book, Indigenous Pacific Approaches to Climate Change, with Palgrave Macmillan, as part of the Palgrave Studies in Disaster Anthropology.  As the series editors note, this volume “is explicitly written as a companion to another study for our series, by Dr. Lyn Carter, on Maori TEK [Traditional ecological knowledge] (MEK) in Aotearoa New Zealand.”  Lyn is a staff member of Te Tumu’s Indigenous Development programme.

Jenny’s new book covers a wide range of contemporary issues, such as climate change; social conflicts that result from forced re-settlement processes eventuating from environmental alterations, e.g., desertification shoreline loss, sinking islands, rising seas.  See the contents below.

For more information, or to download Indigenous Pacific Approaches to Climate Change click here.