New qualification for Te Tumu alumnus
Hone Te Rire is the sort of person who collects qualifications, one of which was our Master of Indigenous Studies, completed in 2009. Hone also trained as an amorangi minister in Te Aka Pūaho (the Presbyterian Māori Synod) and has been working at Nawton Community Presbyterian Church in Hamilton while studying for his Diploma in Ministry through the Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership.
Several Te Tumu staff members and other University colleagues went along to support Hone at his graduation at John McGlashan College on Wednesday. Hone is considering where his path will lead, and is even contemplating another qualification, a PhD at the University of Otago. Koia ki a koe, e Hone. Kia kaha e hoa.
Former student wins book award
He mihi nunui ki a Tania Roxborogh who recently won the Esther Glenn Award for Junior Fiction in the New Zealand Book Awards. Her book is titled Bastion Point: 507 Days on Takaparawha.
Tania is an alumna of Te Tumu having completed a degree in Māori Studies here in 2015.
In a blogpost she discusses her excitement at winning this award.
Koia, kei a koe, Tania.