Cool resource for Physics and Chemistry

Monday, March 31st, 2014 | EMILY HALL | Comments Off on Cool resource for Physics and Chemistry

websiteI ran across this website a couple of years ago but for some reason didn’t use it at all.

On the site is a complete course in Chemistry and a complete course in Physics for high school level in Georgia, USA. They consist of a series of videos, one on each topic listed with note taking guides and study guides. The videos are only about half an hour long and come with a problem set based on the video.

I am going to trial one of these in class today and also show the girls the link in the hopes that they might use the videos at home for their own revision. I was thinking too it might be a good activity for them if I am away so they can still move forward with their learning even when I am not there. We have a set of netbooks they can use and watch the material on their own if the reliever doesn’t have a laptop to show the whole class at once.

Kahn Academy

Friday, September 16th, 2011 | hamvi58p | No Comments

This site has a vast number of resources covering much of your Y13 curriculum content… Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Maths (Calc and Stats) etc.  Useful tutorials to watch when you are sick of writing out your own study notes etc and just want to keep learning….


Monday, May 23rd, 2011 | KEV KNOWLES | No Comments

This achievement standard involves describing oxidation-reduction processes.

Processes involve reactions and calculations, which may include electrochemical cells and their properties, the use of reduction potentials, and spontaneity of oxidation-reduction reactions.

Calculations may include determination of oxidation numbers, mole ratios and those related to electrochemical cells.

  • Knowledge of appearance and state of the following reactants and the product to which they are converted in an oxidation-reduction reaction is required.
  • Oxidants will be limited to: O2, Cl2, I2, Fe3+, dilute acid (with metals), H2O2, MnO4 (reacting in acidic, basic or neutral conditions), Cu2+, Cr2O72–/H+, OCl, concentrated HNO3, IO3, MnO2.
  • Reductants will be limited to: metals, C, CO, H2, Fe2+, Br, I, H2S, SO2, SO32–, S2O32–, H2O2, H2C2O4.
  • Appropriate information relating to other oxidants or reductants will be provided.