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H2 use for transport

Transport (bigger picture):

  • The EU has approved up to €1.4 billion in public funding specifically for mobility and transport applications of hydrogen through a new project “IPCEI Hy2Move” (Press release 28 May 2024)
  • Queensland Govt investing AUD$28.9million in green H2 plant and demonstration refueling station for heavy vehicles (22Mar2022)
  • Hyundai big picture (40 minute YouTube 7 Sept 2021)
  • Cycling ten times more important than electric-cars for reaching net-zero cities (NZ Herald, 11 April 2021)
  • Melbourne analysis of modes of transport CO2 vs footprint 

H2 fuel cells:

H2 refuelling:

  • Calvera Hydrogen has developed a 45 ft tube trailer capable of transporting up to 1.3 T of hydrogen at 517 bar (7500 psi), which will be used to service Shell’s hydrogen refueling stations (Calvera 9 Feb 2023)
  • High capacity H2 refuelling station being built in Bavaria (Hydrogen Central 2 Sep 2022)

H2 cars:

H2 trucks

  • Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand has published an article about HWR‘s new dual-fuel truck hydrogen truck, with a contribution from Sally (who was invited to the launch by HWR) about the production and use of green hydrogen in NZ. Please check out the article and all the nice pics! (Transporting News May 2023)
  • HW Richardson have launched their dual-fuel truck, the first of its kind in Australasia, which can combust hydrogen along with the diesel for up to a 40% reduction in emissions (Stuff 31 March, ODT 1 April 2023)
  • President Biden visited Cummins, who have said they will start manufacturing electrolysers in the USA which will complement their manufacturing of ‘fuel-agnostic’ heavy combustion engines (Trucking Info April 2023)
  • HWR (1300 trucks NZ-wide), combination of imported and retrofitted dual fuel transport trucks, and rollout of hydrogen refuelling stations with Allied Petroleum and Fabrum. First 1.1 MW electrolyser, to be delivered in August 2022 and commissioned on-site in Southland by April 2023. 
  • Dual fuel (diesel/H2) truck, New Holland by CMB.TECH, Antwerp, Belgium (they also do dual fuel tractors and excavators; and low-e ships too)
  • GM (21 June 2021)
  • Daimler (Mercedes Benz)
  • Hyundai H2 trucks; first Hyundai Xcient H2 truck arrives in NZ (18 Nov 2021
  • Nikola

H2 tractors and excavators

H2 buses

  • Melbourne to gain 2 hydrogen fuel cell and 7 electric buses from March 2023 (2 June 2022)
  • UK National Express H2 buses (20 of them) start running a route in Birmingham (6 Dec 2021); last diesel bus bought in 2019, aim is for the whole National Express fleet to be zero emission by 2030.
  • NZ’s first H2 bus being trialled by GBV (Jan 2021)

H2 trains

  • 2022 study of alternative energy options, including dual fuel diesel/hydrogen, for shunting locomotives in Germany (Article Nov 2022; Press Release March 2022). The documents are available in German, so Google Translate for documents may be helpful.
  • Germany introduced its first hydrogen-powered commuter trains in August 2022. The hydrogen is currently trucked in, but the plan is to produce green hydrogen on site in the future, potentially using offshore wind power (Business Insider 8 Nov 2022)
  • Siemens Mobility (Germany) to deliver 7 two-car Mireo Plus H trains powered by fuel cells to run on the Berlin-Brandenberg metropolitan line from Dec 2024 onwards, replacing diesel trains and saving about three million kg of CO2 emmissions and 1.1 million liters of diesel pa (press release 27 June 2022)
  • Canada Pacific (Canada) trains gain CAN15Mill to convert more trains from diesel to hydrogen fuel cell, and add H2 production and refuelling (1 Nov 2021).
  • Deutsche Bahn (Germany) working with Siemens Mobility to replace all diesel trains by Mireo Plus Hydrogen trains – first trial planned for 2024
  • Hydroflex‘ trial from Oxford to Hereford (UK)
  • Alstom (Germany) Coradia iLint

H2 planes

  • Airbus has a website section dedicated to Hydrogen, including their ZEROe hydrogen aircraft page which has some great links and videos.
  • The New Zealand Hydrogen Aviation Consortium has released a report (available from their website) ‘Launching Green Hydrogen Powered Aviation in Aotearoa New Zealand’ which includes a foreword from Prof Sally Brooker (and notes one of her affiliations as He Honoka Hauwai – German-NZ Green Hydrogen Centre) (September 2023)
  • Airbus – SAF Or Hydrogen? And If Both, Why? The aim is for short-haul to be close to carbon-zero (green electric and green hydrogen), and long-haul to be close to carbon-neutral (combination of drop-in bio-SAF and e-SAF; note that e-SAF is necessary to avoid land use change away from food to bio-SAF production). (Mentour Pilot 18 March 2021)
  • CNBC have produced an excellent video with an overview of and update on hydrogen powered aviation and some of the companies leading the charge. Please have a watch (CNBC 11 May 2023)
  • Hydrogen Consortium – for zero-emissions aviation in NZ launched by Dr Megan Woods (Minister for Energy) in Christchurch and involves 6 companies: Air NZ, Airbus, Christchurch Airport, Fabrum, Hiringa Energy and FFI (10 February 2023). Please check out the announcement video and some of the articles: Christchurch Airport, RNZ, Stuff, Airbus.
  • MBIE commissioned ARUP to produce a report on “Pilot Hydrogen Hubs for Trialling Advanced Aviation in New Zealand”, read it on ARUP’s website
  • Air New Zealand has announced several partners for ‘Mission NextGen Aircraft’, one of which is Hiringa Energy. See Hiringa’s press release here. (Air NZ 14 Dec 2022)
  • The Sustainable Aviation Aotearoa group, a private-public partnership focused on decarbonising aviation, has been announced by Te Manatū Waka (NZ Ministry of Transport). See the Media Release and Terms of Reference (Nov 2022)
  • DAT, Everfuel, and Universal Hydrogen have announced a collaboration to bring zero-emissions flight to Denmark by the end of 2025, with the goal of using green hydrogen to have all of DAT’s domestic flights zero-emission by 2030 (Universal Hydrogen 20 Sep 2022)
  • Airbus is developing cryogenic storage tanks for liquid hydrogen to reach their goal of bringing ZEROe aircraft to market by 2035 (Airbus 18 Nov 2022)
  • Air New Zealand plans to fly its first commercial zero-emissions demonstration flight in 2026 (Newshub 4 Nov 2022)
  • Christchurch and Hamburg airports have signed a partnership to work together towards net zero with a focus on green hydrogen (Christchurch and Hamburg airports 18 Oct 2022).
  • ZeroAvia and Edmonton airport announce collaboration on hydrogen fuel infrastructure and launching zero-emission routes (21 July 2022)
  • ZeroAvia and Otto Aviation announce new airframe design for hydrogen fuel cell planes (15 June 2022)
  • ZeroAvia hydrogen fuel cell planes, testing at Cranfield (UK) airport, update on progress (article May-June 2022).
  • H2Fly (Stuttgart) set altitude record for H2 fuel cell plane (9 April 2022)
  • Airbus A380 to be kitted out with 5th engine and liquid H2 tanks to trial H2-powered flight (22 Feb 2022)
  • Airbus H2 Hub agreement with Singapore (15Feb2022)
  • Airbus H2 Hub agreement with Korea (9Feb2022)
  • DLR discusses climate neutral flight (21 Dec 2021)
  • Air NZ signs MOU with Airbus ZERO-e (AirNZ, Airbus, Stuff, Newsroom, 16 Sept 2021); ODT interview Brooker (18 Sept 2021)
  • Hamburg airport H2 infrastructure program using a stationary Airbus A320, with DLR/Lufthansa Technic (7 July 2021)
  • Airbus’s Hamburg site H2 ground infrastructure development with our German collaborators at the Institute for H2 Technology, Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon (HZH, 22 Mar 2021)
  • Air NZ aims to be flying zero-emission planes by 2030 (Stuff, 14 Sept 2021)
  • Sounds Air locks in a deal to be flying electric planes by 2026 (Stuff, 18 Aug 2021)
  • Cranfield University research into combustion of hydrogen to power planes (The Guardian, 14 August 2021)
  • Cranfield Aerospace Solutions, lead of the Project Fresson consortium, received the first aircraft it plans to retrofit with H2 fuel cell tech (7 Sept 2021), aiming for the first test flight Q1 2023 and commercial options available by 2025. 
  • Airbus H2 hubs (Jun 2021)
  • Airbus E-aircraft systems house (research facility for electric, H2 and biofuels) at Ottobrunn, southern Bavaria—about 13 kilometres from Munich (Mar 2021)
  • Airbus H2 hub at Paris airport  (Feb 2021)
  • Airbus H2 for planes (Jan 2021)
  • H2 and electric planes – Nordic Nations
  • H2 planes various around world (direct combustion vs fuel cells)
  • Airbus H2 planes in service by 2035
  • Stuttgart first H2 plane flight
  • Not specifically hydrogen, but Wright Electric plan to have a 100 seat electric plane available by 2027 (Bloomberg Green 4 Nov 2021), and check out their white paper on energy storage on their website

H2 Speed boats & ships & ferries & submarines

H2 Drones