Seminar 1

Scotland and Sri Lanka

Colombo: 6 February 2014

In association with the International Centre for Ethnic Studies


scots kirk colombo twitter

Scots Kirk, Colombo. Copyright Angela McCarthy.

Members of the team presented papers on:

‘Scottish Cross-Cultural Encounters in Ceylon’


‘The Anglo-Scottish Union, Empire and the Referendum on the Independence of Scotland 2014’



A diverse audience comprising academics, archivists, diplomats, members of the tea industry, Scottish migrants and their descendants, and the general public attended.

The event has generated contacts and resources for members of the team to further advance a major project on James Taylor, the ‘Father of the Ceylon Tea Enterprise’, in the broader context of Scottish migration to Ceylon.

Date: 6 February 2014

Venue: International Centre for Ethnic Studies


Banner Image: Clandonald Settlers Leaving Scotland for Alberta, 1924, Glenbow Archives, NA-331-6.


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