Scholarship support material

Wednesday, September 28th, 2011 | hamvi58p | No Comments

Hi there,

We hope everything is going well and that you are gearing up for your externals in November.  If you are after scholarship support material in Bio/Chem/Physics and Math we can arrange access to the support material provided through Otagonet.  You can access this material whenever you want and can work through a vast array of very useful resources/activities/readings and questions.  Simply email me (Kate) at and she will sort your log in and password details.

We are also in the process of arranging on-line tutorials for those of you after some extra support using OtagoConnect software.  We will email you with details soon, alternatively email me and let me know if you are interested.

Keep up the good work,


Kahn Academy

Friday, September 16th, 2011 | hamvi58p | No Comments

This site has a vast number of resources covering much of your Y13 curriculum content… Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Maths (Calc and Stats) etc.  Useful tutorials to watch when you are sick of writing out your own study notes etc and just want to keep learning….

Triple Helix Resources

Friday, September 2nd, 2011 | STEPHEN BRONI | No Comments


is focused on the provision of quality biology and general science teaching materials.
Their aim is to produce resources that will not only help teachers to teach and students to learn but will also encourage a lifelong fascination with science and the living world

Biology Scholarship link

Friday, September 2nd, 2011 | hamvi58p | No Comments

You’ll obvioulsy know by now if you are doing Biology Scholarship at the end of the year.  If so, as you’ll know already your best preparation is to read as widely as possible on all things biology related.  Here is the link to guidelines and exemplars from the NZQA website.

Also, as mentioned in an earlier post, the website that I would most recommend to teachers and students alike is the Teachers Domain site:  Make some time to have a look at the resources for wider reading, animations, powerpoints etc on all manner of science related topics.  This site will really help you with developing wider thinking skills to get your responses in exams up to that Merit and Excellence level that you are all striving for!

Tell your science teacher about the Teachers Domain site and this OUASSA site and make their day!