Setting off on a Treasure Hunt: Researching for a talk, film, podcast

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Having decided on your  topic the next challenge is researching the science around that topic and collating the information you need to get across your key message(s) or theme  about your topic.Cartoon of Footrot flats dog scribbling furiously

There’s so much information out there it can be overwhelming.  Even more so in these days of  `false facts’ and `fake news’.

What’s the agreed knowledge, what’s new, what’s controversial?

So I thought I’d highlight a few post from previous years that may help you as you dive into the research phase of your science communication projects.

July Science Talks: Knowing your Material

How to evaluate websites

Online Literacy E-learning module

As you are researching, one approach is to sort the information you think is relevant to your project around the 5 key questions:  what?, where?, when? why? and how?

That will help you when you start pulling the first draft  together.

Finally, when it comes to conveying a difficult science concept to a public audience never underestimate the value of the children’s section of the library.

If you are looking for a good graphic to illustrate, for example how DNA replication works, or nuclear fission vs fusion, those found in  books aimed at young readers will not only  be more easily understood by non-scientists, they will be more attractive and engaging when  presented  on screen, rather than an overly complicated  diagram from a university level text. ( Don’t forget  to credit any image you use).

While it might seem daunting at first, delving into the research phase of  any science communication can be fun and exciting as  you set off on a treasure hunt for  relevant information on your  chosen  topic – a topic that you are already passionate about!




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