Only 7 days to go for EUREKA! entries
It would be great to see an OUASSA student in the competition.
Why not back yourself!
You gotta be in to win.
And even if you don’t win you will have learned at lot and had fun along the way!
Students who are intending to submit an entry for the 2014 Sir Paul Callaghan EUREKA! Awards should be putting the final touches on their synopsis and making sure their entry is made on-line by next Sunday at the latest.
This year’s competition has more prizes than ever before and there are also Scholarships valued at up to $2500 on offer for the first time.
These scholarships will be awarded to any of the students in the top 28 who are eligible for selection for the national finals. More details on these scholarships will be released soon.
Mailing address :
Rotary Club of Wellington
PO Box 10243
Wellington, Wellington 6043
New Zealand
Copyright © *2013* *|RCW EUREKA! Trust*, All rights reserved.” |
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