
Otago Open Access Week Events

Click on each event for more details, including remote access on Monday and Tuesday.

Monday 19 October

Open Access. What is it and why should I care? 1pm Central Library and online

Launch of Otago Open Access Publishing survey

Tuesday 20 October

OAweek tweetchat, virtual OA meetup for AU/NZ from 2pm on Twitter

How to do Guerilla GLAM 3pm Central Library and online

Wednesday 21 October

Being open – Journals, OERs, Creative Commons, and more 1pm Science Library Seminar Room (Wed/Fri sessions are basically the same, just different locations).

Thursday 22 October

Lincoln University Great Debate: “It’s on the internet, I can use it” 3:30 – 4:30 via lu.ac.nz/Great-Debate

Friday 23 October

Being open – ORCID, Figshare, Creative Commons and more 1pm Hunter Centre (Wed/Fri sessions are basically the same, just different locations).

Being open (Wed 21 & Fri 23 Oct, 1pm, #OAweek)

Note: the two sessions will be basically the same thing offered in different locations. You don’t need to come to both, though you are welcome to do so.

open access lock
‘Open lock’ CC BY-NC-ND, JISC

The nature of scholarship is changing, as are the ways in which you can engage with your research community and beyond. As part of Otago’s Open Access Week events, these sessions will consist of a series of quick fire topics on the theme of ‘being open.’ Those who come along can chose topics they’re interested in, including but not limited to:

The quick-fire topics will serve as an invitation to attendees to engage in an open discussion where they can ask questions, share experiences or even get hands-on support. You don’t know a thing about ORCID but you know you want one? Do you apply creative commons licences to your work and want to share your experiences?  These sessions will be of use to all students/academics/researchers keen to engage in conversations around open access, the pros and cons and making the most of the various tools available.

When: 1 – 2pm Wednesday 21 October 2015
Where: Science Library Seminar Room (far-right corner from the entrance, see floorplan)

When: 1 – 2pm Friday 23 October 2015
Where: Hunter Centre G30a (ground floor, to the right inside the main entrance)

Open Access. What is it and why should I care? – plus OA baking! (1pm, Mon 19 October, #OAweek)

Image CC BY, openaccessweek.org

Why are governments, funders and institutions around the world mandating or encouraging Open Access? What does it mean for my discipline? My department? Me, as an individual researcher or teacher?

Our opening event for OA Week offers an introduction to OA, its demonstrable benefits to the scholarly pursuit and the challenges it presents. This session will provide a broad overview of current developments in OA and examine what the future might hold.

We’ll also be launching a survey of Otago staff, which asks about practices in and attitudes towards OA publishing.

Come along and share your experiences or bring your questions.

As an added bonus there will be open access baking. You’ll have to come find out what that is!

When: 1 – 2pm Monday 19 October 2015
Where: Central Library Conference Room 3 (1st floor East end, see floorplan)
Online: join virtually via Connect

#OAweek tweetchat, virtual OA meetup for AU/NZ

Meet up with others across Australia and New Zealand interested in open access (Tues 20 Oct 2015, 2pm NZ time).

Hashtags #oaweek and #AOASG for the Australasian OA Support Group OA.
