
Creative Commons in Dunedin, Friday 23 November

For those in Dunedin, Creative Commons Aotearoa NZ will be hosting a discussion session just prior to the opening of the NetHui South Conference (see this post). Anything CC-related can be raised, discussed or debated, though the focus will likely be on open access and Open Educational Resources.

The session is open to anyone, regardless of whether you’re attending NetHui.  Matt McGregor, CC ANZ’s Public Lead, will be down from Wellington to facilitate.

Creative Commons Meet-up, Kakapo Room, Otago Museum, 11am Friday 23 November

NetHui South Internet Conference, Dunedin, Thursday-Friday 23-24 Nov.

InternetNZ’s first ever regional Internet conference – NetHui South – is being held at Dunedin’s Otago University and Otago Museum on 23rd and 24th November 2012. The cost of registration is only $40. There is an education session scheduled for 11:00AM-1:00PM on Saturday 24 Nov. Also check out the NethuiNZ Facebook pageTwitter streamYoutube Channel, and Flickr images.

What is NetHui South?

From the NetHui South Website:

This is an Internet conference with a distinctly South Island flavour. In common with its parent (national) NetHui conference, the defining feature of NetHui South is its community-led and participatory nature.

The overarching theme of NetHui South is ‘Shaping Our Future Together,’ a subject that addresses the varied and complex challenges arising from the Internet. In connecting local Internet issues to the international context, NetHui South provides a platform for involving and engaging local communities.