#MOOCMOOC: a Massive Open Online Course about the MOOC format

I just discovered a new MOOC that will focus on the MOOC format as it’s subject. If you are interested (they say it could take only 1-2 hours per day for a week), read “The March of the MOOCs: Monstrous Open Online Courses” and register for the MOOCMOOC. This event, scheduled for 12-18 August, is coordinated by the folks behind Hybrid Pedagogy, “a Digital Journal of Teaching & Technology at the intersection of critical pedagogy & new media.” You can follow the editors on Twitter: @allistelling (Pete Rorabaugh, Visiting Lecturer at Georgia State University) and @jessifer (Jesse Strommel, Digital Pedagogy, New Media, and Horror Film Scholar and Digital Humanities Program Director). While you’re there, check out @hybridped and search for #digped to see their recent synchronous Twitter chat about face-to-face v.s online learning models.