
Otago Open Access Week Events

Click on each event for more details, including remote access on Monday and Tuesday.

Monday 19 October

Open Access. What is it and why should I care? 1pm Central Library and online

Launch of Otago Open Access Publishing survey

Tuesday 20 October

OAweek tweetchat, virtual OA meetup for AU/NZ from 2pm on Twitter

How to do Guerilla GLAM 3pm Central Library and online

Wednesday 21 October

Being open – Journals, OERs, Creative Commons, and more 1pm Science Library Seminar Room (Wed/Fri sessions are basically the same, just different locations).

Thursday 22 October

Lincoln University Great Debate: “It’s on the internet, I can use it” 3:30 – 4:30 via lu.ac.nz/Great-Debate

Friday 23 October

Being open – ORCID, Figshare, Creative Commons and more 1pm Hunter Centre (Wed/Fri sessions are basically the same, just different locations).