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Visible light photoinitiating system

Visible light photoinitiating system


Light-based crosslinking system offers powerful physico-chemical and mechanical control over hydrogel microenvironment to better dictate cellular function. In our group, we have developed a visible light photoinitiating system (patented) that uses natural/everyday light to facilitate crosslinking reactions of a number of chemistry. We specifically use the transition metal complex, Ruthenium as the photocatalysts, to initiate crosslinking of chain-growth, step-growth and di-tyrosine reactions. We found that the visible light photoinitiating system offers higher advantage over traditionally used UV-polymerisation system or enzymatic crosslinking systems. Please see some selected publications below:

  1. X Cui; BG Soliman; CR Alcala-Orozco; J Li; MAM Vis; M Santos; SG Wise; R Levato; J Malda; TBF Woodfield; J Rnjak-Kovacina*; KS Lim*. Rapid photo-crosslinking of silk hydrogels with high cell-density and enhanced shape fidelity. Advanced Healthcare Materials; 2020, 9, 1901667. doi: 10.1002/adhm.201901667
  2. M Baptista; H Joukhdar; C Alcala-Orozco; K Lau; S Jiang; X Cui; S He; F Tang; C Heu; T Woodfield; KS Lim*; J Rnjak-Kovacina*. Silk fibroin photo-lyogels containing microchannels as a biomaterial platform for in situ tissue engineering. RSC Biomaterials Science, 2020, 8, 7093-7105. doi: 10.1039/d0bm01010c
  3. KS Lim; BJ Klotz; GCJ Lindberg; FPW Melchels; GJ Hooper; J Malda; D Gawlitta; TBF Woodfield. Visible Light Crosslinking of Gelatin Hydrogels Offers an Enhanced Cell Microenvironment with Improved Light Penetration Depth. Macromolecular Bioscience; 2019, 6, e1900098. doi: 10.1002/mabi.201900098
  4. KS Lim*; GCJ Brown*; BF Farugia; GJ Hooper; TBF Woodfield. 2017. Covalent Integration of Heparin into Gelatin-methacryloyl Hydrogels for Enhanced Chondrogenesis. Macromolecular Bioscience. 2017. 17, 1700158. doi: 10.1002/mabi.201700158
  5. KS Lim; Y Ramaswamy; JJ Roberts; MH Alves; LA Poole-Warren; PJ Martens. Promoting Cell Survival and Proliferation in Degradable Poly(vinyl alcohol)-Tyramine hydrogels. Macromolecular Bioscience, 2015. 15(10) :p. 1423-1432. doi: 10.1002/mabi.201500121