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Tag Archives: elearning

University supported online learning

Do you want to learn more about educational, office, business, or hobby software?

Where do you go?

The University has made access to free through ITS. Continue reading


The Case for Using Video to Support Learning

Have you ever watched a movie and thought about what you learned from it for days afterwards? Have you watched a video and forgotten about it as soon as the end credits rolled? Whether a video sticks with you and keeps you thinking is down to a considered use of visuals and script to ensure that viewers continue processing what they saw and heard after the video ends. Video used well is a powerful medium for learning, but used poorly, it can harm learning. Continue reading


Making Your Online Course Mobile Friendly

Did you know that a majority of students surveyed access their learning content while on the move on a regular basis? If that learning content is on a Learning Management System (LMS, e.g. Moodle or Blackboard) then we need to begin thinking about how to ensure that course pages, activities and resources are viewable and easy to interact with on mobile devices. Continue reading


Keeping up with University eLearning News

If you want to keep up with what is happening with University of Otago eLearning, check out the eLearning News blog by eLearning, Teaching and Learning Facilities (ITS). This is where you can find the latest updates on what is happening with SafeAssign, Blackboard, Otago Capture and other University of Otago supported eLearning platforms.


Personal Learning Environments – An Overview

There are many benefits that can be had through the use of technologies in education. Technology can be used both to stimulate and continue learning, building lifelong habits of learning in those willing to take advantage of what technology can offer as a tool for enhancing educational opportunities. Continue reading


University Supported eLearning Tools


The University of Otago includes a team of staff who you may not have heard about. They are the ITS Teaching and Learning team. This team supports teaching and learning tools for the university and is an excellent source of information about tools that can be linked to from within Moodle or Blackboard.

If you are interested in learning about the tools they support, check out their eLearning Toolbox. This toolbox lists all the tools they currently support  and gives you the ability to filter the list by your requirements.

For example, do you want to collaborate with others? Choose that requirement from the dropdown list and you can see that there are six options from the list that are recommended for collaboration.

How about collecting data and feedback? Well, with that requirement chosen, a list of five tools appears.

screen shot of the wiki description page

The wiki description

To learn more about any of the tools, just click on its icon. A window will open with a brief description of the tool and the option to see an example at work or register to use the tool.

They are also open to suggestions for new tools that might be useful to the university. So, if you have a great eLearning tool that you think others might be interested in, drop them a line.

Oh, and they have a toolbox for researchers too. You can visit the eResearch Toolbox to learn more.