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Tag Archives: video

How to add a single Echo video to Moodle Coursepage

Having movies held within Echo360 means that you don’t have to resize them, as the system takes care of the streaming.
However you want to avoid forcing your students to have to search for a video amongst a whole collection within Echo360.
This is possible by linking directly to a particular video on the moodle page. Continue reading


How to reduce the file size of a Video using Handbrake

Reducing the size of video files is useful to save bandwidth and make videos more accessible for students on the move.
If you are using Moodle there is a file-size limit of 200Mb. If you are making the video available via Echo360 that limit does not apply, as Echo360 streams the file.
Fortunately reducing the file size of a video is relatively easy using Handbrake, which is freely available open source software. Continue reading


The Case for Using Video to Support Learning

Have you ever watched a movie and thought about what you learned from it for days afterwards? Have you watched a video and forgotten about it as soon as the end credits rolled? Whether a video sticks with you and keeps you thinking is down to a considered use of visuals and script to ensure that viewers continue processing what they saw and heard after the video ends. Video used well is a powerful medium for learning, but used poorly, it can harm learning. Continue reading