The Case for Using Video to Support Learning
Have you ever watched a movie and thought about what you learned from it for days afterwards? Have you watched a video and forgotten about it as soon as the end credits rolled? Whether a video sticks with you and keeps you thinking is down to a considered use of visuals and script to ensure that viewers continue processing what they saw and heard after the video ends. Video used well is a powerful medium for learning, but used poorly, it can harm learning. Continue reading
Moodle Workshop Activity
Workshop is a powerful peer assessment activity. At UOC we use it with a marking Rubric and students peer assess each others presentations live online for the whole 100 students in TI year in Hauora Maori
Students submit their own work and then receive a number of submissions from other students which they must assess according to the teacher’s specifications. (They may also assess their own work if the teacher requests this.) Text may be typed directly into Moodle’s editor, or files of any type may be uploaded, as long as others have the software to view them. The teacher can decide whether to show or hide the identities of the students to each other when assessing is taking place.
Two grades are given and appear in the Gradebook: a grade for the student’s own submission and a grade for the quality of their peer assessment skills.
Moodle Glossary Activity
The glossary activity module allows participants to create and maintain a list of definitions, like a dictionary.
Glossary can be used in many ways. The entries can be searched or browsed in different formats. A glossary can be a collaborative activity or be restricted to entries made by the teacher. Entries can be put in categories. The auto-linking feature will highlight any word in the course which is located in the glossary.
Learn more here How to use a glossary here Even make a quiz from your glossary entries
Moodle Quiz Activity
The Moodle quiz activity is probably the best assessment and learning tool in Moodle. Set it so that the quiz becomes a learning exercise with feedback as they go through it or as a summative assessment to a final grade. Moodle quiz has loads of question types to make it more interesting than that boring MCQ. Continue reading
Moodle Assignment Activity
The assignment activity provides a space into which students can submit work for teachers to grade and give feedback on. This saves on paper and is more efficient than email. It can also be used to remind students of ‘real-world’ assignments they need to complete offline, such as art work, and thus not require any digital content.
Student submissions are together on one screen of your course. You can require them to submit one or several files and/or to type text essays. It is possible to have them submit work as a group and you can also choose as a teacher to grade their work ‘blind’ in other words not to see the identities of those who have submitted assignments. Assignments can have deadlines and cut off dates – which you can also extend if necessary.
Moodle Attendance and Checklists
UOC has been taking digital attendance into Moodle for the past 2 years. They use Moodle Checklist and the Attendance plugins to do this. Students scan their student ID at the door and the attendance is signed off in Moodle for the students to keep track of.
Find out more about Checklists here
Find out more about the Attendance plug in here
Moodle Scheduler Activity
Moodle Forum activity
The forum activity allows students and teachers to exchange ideas by posting comments as part of a ‘thread’. Files such as images and media maybe included in forum posts. The teacher can choose to rate forum posts and it is also possible to give students permission to rate each others’ posts.
With Students in Mind Part 1
This first post of With Students in Mind presents practical teaching tip #1: Design your course with students in mind
Buzz words in higher education are “flipped classroom”, “active engagement”, and “student-centred” but what do they mean? In essence, they mean that students do most of the talking and thinking during class time rather than the lecturer. Continue reading
Moodle Lesson activity
The lesson module presents a series of HTML pages to the student who is usually asked to make some sort of choice underneath the content area. The choice will send them to a specific page in the Lesson. In a Lesson page’s simplest form, the student can select a continue button at the bottom of the page, which will send them to the next page in the Lesson.
Find out more here. Learn how to build one here See what moodlerooms has to say