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Category Archives: seminar

Seminar: Skeletons in the Attic: The Prehistory of Otago Museum

Our next CRoCC seminar will be presented by Dr. Rosi Crane, who will speak about the prehistory of Otago Museum’s zoological collections.

These collections were acquired before the First World War but have precious little documentation associated with them. Serendipitous finds in scattered archives are beginning to paint a detailed picture of what the public saw when the museum opened in its new building on Great King Street in 1877. However, the principal sources are the specimens themselves, their labels, and a handful of photographs. This presentation will consider how we can use these sources to make sense of the scientific approaches to curating in nineteenth century Dunedin.

Please join us at 3.30 on Friday 27 October in the Hocken Seminar Room (90 Anzac Avenue) to hear what promises to be a great talk.


New Rural Histories of New Zealand

Prof. Tom Brooking and Dr. Jane McCabe will present at the next CRoCC research seminar on Friday 26 May on aspects of New Zealand’s rural history.

In early June, Tom and Jane will present at the annual meeting of the Agricultural History Society on the theme “Who is a farmer? Regional identity and rural culture”.

They will present their papers at Friday’s seminar in preparation for the Agricultural History Society Conference. They are very keen to get feedback on their presentations.

Their talks will take place in the Hocken Seminar Room on Friday May 26th starting at 3.30. Coffee, tea and snacks will be provided, and all are invited to come for social drinks at Emerson’s afterwards.

All are welcome!

Seminar Series

This semester the Centre is hosting two research seminars. Prof. Sarah Carter (University of Alberta) and Associate Prof. Angela Wanhalla (University of Otago) will give the inaugural seminar for this year’s series on Friday 28th April. They will speak about their collaborative project relating to the life of Wiremu Colenso. The talk will take place at the Hocken Seminar Room and starts at 3.30. All are welcome!

CROCC Seminar: Ryan Tucker Jones

A Whale of a Difference

Changing Right Whale Culture and the Making of the Tasman World

The Centre is hosting Dr Ryan Tucker Jones of the University of Auckland who will be presenting a seminar on Tasman whaling history in relation to British encounters with Māori and Australian Aborigines.
This will be held: 11am-12.30pm, Tuesday 29 November, History Seminar Room (Burns 2N8).  Please feel free to come.
rtjAbstract: “This paper examines the impact that changing right whale cultures had on cross-cultural encounters between British colonists, Aboriginal peoples, and Māori in Australia and New Zealand during the era of bay whaling, c.1805-1850. I argue that historians must take seriously the ways that environments (especially living environments) change in order to understand colonial and indigenous histories, and that comparative histories across the Tasman offers an ideal way to think through and document this history.”

Seminar on “Digital Interventions”

Apologies for the late notice.  Dr. Tim Sherratt, one of Australia’s leading scholars of digital humanities will be talking today 1.00-3.00pm about some of his current projects, and explore some useful digital tools, in the Science Library Seminar Room (Ground Floor, University of Otago Science Library).  Dr Sherratt works both as an academic at ANU, and as part of the management team of Trove – Australia’s version of our Papers Past.  Click here for more details.



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