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Category Archives: Publications

New book on the Scots in New Zealand

Last night the book, Unpacking the Kists: The Scots in New Zealand was launched at the University Book Shop, Dunedin, written by Brad Patterson, Tom Brooking, and Jim McAloon, with Rebecca Lenihan and Tanja Bueltmann.  One of the authors,  Professor Tom Brooking, is also a member of our Centre.  The publication is one of  many outputs still emerging from Brad and Tom’s Marsden Grant awarded in 2004.

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Brad Patterson and Tom Brooking celebrating the launch of their new book, Unpacking the Kists. University Book Shop, 25 March 2014.

There was a great turn out for the launch.  Distinguished guest included Michael Russell, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning in the Scottish Government; Vicki Treadell, British High Commissioner; and Dave Cull, Dunedin mayor.

The term “unpacking the kists” refers to unpacking the many different items from the large boxes that the Scottish immigrants brought with them to the New World.

Unpacking the Kists is being sold last night under a Otago University Press imprint.  It is also published by McGill-Queens University Press in Canada.

Considering Performance in Colonial Culture

A special issue of the Journal of New Zealand Studies on Colonial Performance has just been released. It features essays by a number of the Centre’s members, notably Tom Brooking and John Stenhouse, and the volume was edited by Barbara Brookes. Congratulations to all involved in creating this special issue!


Inaugural Mary Boyd Prize

The New Zealand Historical Association is calling for submissions to be considered for the inaugural Mary Boyd Prize.  This award is for the best article on any aspect of New Zealand history published in a refereed journal between April 2011 and April 2013.  It will be presented at the NZHA’s biennial conference to beheld in Dunedin this November.

Please visit the New Zealand Historical Association webpage for full details.



Webs of Empire

Tony’s Ballantyne’s new book, Webs of Empire, is capturing the attention of New Zealand media. Listen to Tony talk about his new book on Waatea News to find out how Gore and Chicago are connected, the important links between Māori and Asia, and the processes and practices of colonial knowledge production.

Tony Ballantyne’s new book

Join us to celebrate the publication of Tony Ballantyne’s new book. It’s being launched by Professor Charlotte Macdonald and Bridget Williams Books on Monday, November 12th in the Dunningham Suite, Dunedin Public Library at 5.30.


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