Algebra Everywhere

Why is it important to show students that algebra is everywhere?

Because it is. Algebra, like adding and multiplication. It isn’t something that happens once a term, or worse once a year.

  • Donna discusses her awareness of algebra is everywhere


  • Donna disucsses the impact of noticing algebra is everywhere

What are some effective ways to show students that algebra is everywhere?

Our suggestions:

    • Algebra Programme Overview: We redesigned our Year 9 and 10 mathematics programmes to meet the needs of our students (contributor: Anna Cox)
    • Bee in Her Bonnet: Shows the student challenge of learning about notation and the benefits of showing how algebra is everywhere by using rigour and correct use of vocabulary (contributor: Anna Cox)
    • Fractions and Algebra: Develops prerequisite knowledge by emphasising rigour and correct use of vocabulary and showing how algebra is everywhere (contributor: Rachel Jones)
    • Linear Graphing: Develops an understanding of relationships by showing how algebra is everywhere and using rigour and correct use of vocabulary (contributor: Anna Cox)
    • Procedure to answer an algebraic equation: Develops prerequisite knowledge by showing how algebra is everywhere (contributor: Donna Smith)
    • Trigonometry Everywhere: Develops understanding of relationships by emphasising rigour and correct use of vocabulary, building a toolbox of knowledge and skills, and showing how algebra is everywhere (contributor: Rachel Jones)

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