It’s Study Time…. again

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As a teacher I can’t reccommend enough the need to revise, be well prepared and confident in the lead up to your school ‘practise’ exams and your external NCEA exams.  The Studyit website has a lot of useful information and resources such as study timetables, tips, advice etc to help you get started and to help you feel more in control during the next few months. The sooner you start, the more prepared you will be!

Don’t forget that we are offering on-line tutorials to all 2012 OUASSA students for Biology, Chemistry and Physics as well as Scholarship – sit in and listen, bring your questions and make the most of the tutorial support available to YOU!

You have been emailed a Google Form to complete regarding tutorial support – so get it filled out asap and we can make a start scheduling your on-line support!

In the mean time…. check out Studyit.

Study advice

Be prepared

  • Go to all revision sessions for your subjects.
  • Have up-to-date course notes. If you don’t, ask your teachers for the latest versions.
  • Practise assessments and examination papers.
  • Know what is required for each achievement standard.


  • Set regular routines of study.
  • Choose a quiet, airy, well-lit place to study.
  • Set study goals
    • Daily goals
    • Weekly goals
    • Long-term goals
  • Know your deadlines.
  • Make a study timetable
  • Do a small amount of study on each subject every night.


  • Have lots of breaks eg break every 50 minutes for 10 minutes.
  • Eat healthily, sleep regularly and exercise.
  • Reward yourself regularly.
  • If stressed, ask for help. Your teachers want you to succeed; ask them!

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