2024 Short Science Films

Wednesday, July 31st, 2024 | STEPHEN BRONI | No Comments

Science Academy 2024 Science Film students were tasked with making a short 2–4 minute film on an aspect of science close to their heart using only their cell phones and i-movie software.  They were introduced to science filmmaking techniques over four 90-minute workshops at our January Science camp. They then planned and developed their ideas between January and July camps and shot the footage they needed in their home area, completing final editing during a further four 90-minute workshops during our July Science camp. The project was tutored by Max Balloch, Otago University Science Communication graduate, Philosophy  student and an alumnus of the Science Academy 2020. Max is also an award winning podcaster.

Check out our 2024 student  films by clicking on the titles below

The Ants are Coming!

Philip Du Preez – Campion College

Isobelle van Mil  – Hauraki Plains College

Science Film Tutor’s  Pick for Top Film

The History of Black Powder

Reece Zimmerman – Fairfield College

Cyrus Kelly – Fairfield College




The Durie Hill Elevator

Quinn Pedley –  Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu

Eyes Wide Shut

Timothy Lee – Rangitoto College

Samuel Ribet – Mercury Bay Area School




The Rise of Mammals

Ashley Novis -Kaikoura High School





Genetically Engineering Our Future

Yasmin Hitchen –  Te Kuiti High School

Laila King –  Motueka High School