HRC-funded Research Projects
IPRU is funded through grants and contracts. A number of research projects have been funded by the Health Research Council of New Zealand (HRC).
Pre-hospital fatal injury study
Subsequent Injury Study (SInS)
Creating safer workplaces: understanding our work-related fatalities (1974-2014)
Cultural and Psychosocial Influences on Disability (CUPID)
Longitudinal Spinal Cord Injury Study
The New Zealand Drivers Study
Prospective Outcomes of Injury Study (POIS)
Previous Research
Injury Surveillance
Measuring injury burden & trends: what to do with the inclusion of Emergency Department cases in hospital discharge data?
Probability of Admission: Empirical Validation of the NZIPS Serious Non-Fatal Injury Indicators
Impairment Indicators: Production of a Chartbook
Investigation of the Provisional Status of the NZIPS Serious Non-Fatal Self Harm and Assault Indicators
Disability, Rehabilitation & Health Outcomes
Prospective Outcomes Of Injury Study (POIS)
Subsequent Injury Study (SInS)
Cultural and Psychosocial Influences on Disability (CUPID)
Longitudinal Spinal Cord Injury Study
The Bandung Neurosurgery Patient Outcomes Project
Veterans’ Health
The psychological and physical health of New Zealand veterans
Alternative and complementary medicine for Veteran’s with pain and distress
Occupational Injury
Creating safer workplaces: understanding our work-related fatalities (1974-2014)
Financial outcomes following work-related injury for older workers
Quad-related fatal injuries: a comparison between Australia & New Zealand
Patterns of work-related injury in older workers
New Zealand Working Life Project
Evaluation of the FarmSafe™ Awareness Workshop Programme
Road Safety
The New Zealand Drivers Study
Parental Influence on the Driving Experiences of Young Newly Licensed Drivers
NZ Cyclist/Dooring Map Released by IPRU
Cycle “Dooring” Injury Data from ACC: 2010-2012
Sport and Recreation Injury Prevention
Traumatic Injury
Pre-hospital fatal injury study
Intentional injury
Effects of lowering the alcohol minimum purchasing age on intentional self-harm
Inequalities in child protection
Child Safety
Child Home Safety
Alcohol-Related Harm
Descriptions and links to demonstration versions of past alcohol research project surveys
Gender, Drinking Patterns and Alcohol-Related Harm
Local Government Alcohol Policy
Evaluation of Campus Watch
e-SBI National Trial