Bandung Neurosurgery Patient Outcomes Project

Funding: EuroQoL Research Foundation

McAllister, S., Ganefianty, A., Faried, A., Sutiono, A. B., Sarjono, K., Melia, R., . . . Derrett, S. (2017). The Bandung neurosurgery patient outcomes project, Indonesia (Part I): Methods, participant characteristics, and pre-discharge outcomes. Int J Health Plann Manage. doi:10.1002/hpm.2408

Sutiono, A. B., Faried, A., McAllister, S., Ganefianty, A., Sarjono, K., Arifin, M. Z., & Derrett, S. (2017). The Bandung neurosurgery patient outcomes project, Indonesia (Part II): Patient pathways and feasibility and acceptability of telephone follow-up. Int J Health Plann Manage. doi:10.1002/hpm.2406


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