Blogging and Tweeting in Higher Education
Are you using blogging for education, pedagogy, research?
Would you like to participate in a Twitter Conference?
PressEDConf18 is the place to be …
Contributions due 23 February 2018.
Conference starts 2200h 29 March 2018 (1000h 29 March 2018 British Summer Time)
Participate by following the hashtag #pressedconf18
More info at
Want some help setting up Twitter? Contact Sarah Gallagher ( ), Sam White ( ), or your local eLearning ELF.
The Case for Using Video to Support Learning
Have you ever watched a movie and thought about what you learned from it for days afterwards? Have you watched a video and forgotten about it as soon as the end credits rolled? Whether a video sticks with you and keeps you thinking is down to a considered use of visuals and script to ensure that viewers continue processing what they saw and heard after the video ends. Video used well is a powerful medium for learning, but used poorly, it can harm learning. Continue reading