Upcoming events hosted by or involving Genetics Otago will be listed here. Please check back regularly for updates. A calendar of events that may be of interest to our members can be found at the bottom of this page and in the sidebar of other pages on this site, please note that this includes events hosted outside of Genetics Otago.
Logan Walker IPL
Preparing for the future of genetic health
Logan is a cancer geneticist and the current Associate Dean Research, at the University of Otago Christchurch. His research focuses on understanding the impact of genetic changes on health. After completing post-doctoral training in Australia, and returning to the University of Otago, his research programme was significantly strengthened by being awarded a Sir Charles Hercus Health Research Fellowship (Health Research Council) followed by a Rutherford Discovery Fellowship (Royal Society Te Apārangi).
He is an invited member of several international groups tasked with improving protocols for genetic testing around the world. This work includes developing RNA diagnostic guidelines for both the clinical and research setting, and providing expert advice about the implementation of these guidelines and the interpretation of genetic test results. In collaboration with multiple international consortia, he has also contributed to and led some of the largest genetic association studies to discover inherited DNA copy number changes that increase or decrease susceptibility to cancer.s.
Date: Tuessday, 11th March 2025
Time: 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Venue: Rolleston Lecture Theatre, Christchurch Campus (and via Zoom)
AlphaFold for Geneticists
The AlphaFold for Geneticists workshop will introduce participants to the AI tool AlphaFold. Attendees will learn how to run AlphaFold on their chosen variant and interpret outputted results. Led by experts Prof Peter Mace and Dr Adam Middleton, the session will provide insight into the strengths and limitations of AlphaFold. Further details will be provided to registrants.
Date: Monday, 24th March 2025
Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Venue: TBC, Dunedin Campus
This workshop is now full, please email if you would like to be added to the waitlist.
Calendar of Events
The below is a calendar of events hosted by GO as well as events hosted by others that may be of interest to our members. If you have an event you would like us to include please contact us here.
World-leading CRISPR-Cas researcher, Prof. Dr. Chase Beisel, is visiting the Department of Microbiology and Immunology on a Chaffer fellowship. He will be giving a seminar on October 15th from 1-2 pm in Biochemistry BIG13. Please see the attached flyer for details on this presentation.
SEMINAR: Understanding Reproduction and Development in Honeybees
Tēnā koutou katoa
We warmly invite you to attend our Genomics Aotearoa seminar, online on Friday, October 27 at 3pm.
We welcome Georgia Cullen (University of Otago) to talk about Understanding Reproduction and Development in Honeybees.
Please invite colleagues to join our genomics community and take part in this seminar. Look forward to seeing you there. Questions and discussions are welcome.
Join from PC, Mac, iOS, or Android:
About Georgia
Georgia is in the last six months of her PhD at the University of Otago, working with Professor Peter Dearden investigating honeybee reproduction and development, with a particular focus on the germline cell niche in queens.
Are you still using Hi-C to detect TADs and Loops?
If so, you’ll want to explore the groundbreaking Dovetail® TopoLink™ Assay. This innovative solution not only simplifies the Hi-C workflow but also tackles high sequencing costs and uneven genomic coverage. And the best part? The entire process can be completed in just one day without compromising data quality!
November 1st, 2023 07:00 PM PST
In this webinar, you’ll gain insights into:
- The limitations of traditional Hi-C workflows.
- How Dovetail® TopoLink™ chemistry revolutionizes Hi-C data generation.
- Why Dovetail® TopoLink™ data outperforms restriction enzyme-based Hi-C for chromatin conformation analysis.
- Practical considerations for experimental setup and data analysis.
Don’t miss this opportunity to stay ahead in your Hi-C research.
Join us and move your understanding of the 3D genome into the next dimension.
Biostatistical thinking for Health Researchers – 20th November 2023
Unlock the power of biostatistics in health research through our one-day, hands-on workshop. Designed with the modern health researcher in mind, this interactive workshop aims to demystify the often complex realm of biostatistics.
Target audience: Health researchers and Postgraduate students (not biostatisticians)
Please refer to the attached posters for more details.
Biostatistical thinking for Health Researchers workshop Poster – Nov 2023
Kindly note, that you need to register for the Workshop. The early bird registration date has been extended to Sunday, 15th October 2023.
We are pleased to announce that MapNet will be held in Dunedin this November. Check out the flyer attached and website We will continue to update with sponsor and programme details.
Key dates:
Deadline for abstract submission – 25 October, 2023
Registration closes – 6 November, 2023
MapNet dates – 22-24 November, 2023
Causal Inference workshop – 23rd and 24th November 2023
This in-person, two-day Causal Inference workshop presented by Professor Michael Hudgens, Professor of Biostatistics and Chair of the Department of Biostatistics UNC-Chapel Hill, on the Thursday and Friday after the conference.
Target audience: Health researchers, epidemiologists, biostatisticians
Please refer to the attached posters for more details.
Causal Inference workshop Poster – Nov 2023
Kindly note, that you need to register for the Workshop. The early bird registration date has been extended to Sunday, 15th October 2023.
The Symposium “Functional Nucleic Acids: From Laboratory to Targeted Molecular Therapy” will be held on 23-24 November 2023 at Murdoch University Campus in Perth, Australia.
Don’t miss your chance to hear from global and industry pioneers in RNA Therapeutics at the 3rd International Symposium on Functional Nucleic Acids 23-24 November 2023 at Murdoch University, Perth.
For just $275.00(AUD) or a heavily discounted student rate of $75.00(AUD) you can hear the latest updates from around the world and build your networks.
See the attachment for announcement of Keynote speakers with more exciting speakers still to come. Your name could appear alongside these industry greats when you submit your abstract now.
Abstract submission deadline:
5pm Monday 30 October: Oral or Poster presentation.
Submit an abstract to be considered for an oral or poster.
Guidelines and submission details can be found on the website.
Please Note: Registration is required to submit an abstract.
We look forward to seeing you in Perth in November – REGISTER NOW!
Hosted at the University of Otago, the Bioinformatics Spring School 2023 is a week long training event for researchers, supported by Genomics Aotearoa and the New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI). This event is primarily targeted at researchers and students based in Aotearoa New Zealand. International applications will be considered but will need to be able to attend in-person.
Expressions of interest applications are now open and will close midnight, Friday 29th September 2023.
Full Details:
7-9 February 2024 | Wellington
eResearch NZ is the leading conference for the research community in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Each year, it brings people together to connect, converse, and share their latest ideas and innovations.
In 2024, we’ll be hosting the event in Wellington. Our strategic theme is He Moana Pukepuke e Ekengia e te Waka | Navigating an evolving eResearch landscape
Together with the research community, we’ll be showcasing new innovations, technology and research while helping each other navigate the challenges in our changing field.
eResearch NZ is a collaborative initiative organised by REANNZ, NeSI and Genomics Aotearoa with the support of the wider community.