“Objects book” progress

Manuscript ready for sending to Conal.
In February 2013 CROCC held its inaugural conference on “colonial objects”. This was a successful event attracting academics, librarians, archivists, heritage professionals, and others. It was always our intention to publish a collection of essays coming out of the conference presentations. The editors, Annabel Cooper, Lachy Paterson and Angela Wanhalla still have some loose ends to tie up (ably assisted by their RA, Katie Cooper) but are happy to report that our draft is almost ready. It has now been sent to Conal McCarthy at VUW to read and add a final reflective essay. Then it will be off to Otago University Press to perform their magic. Expect it in the bookshops in 2015. A big thank you to all involved.
Inaugural conference a great success
The conference convenors wish to acknowledge, and thank, all 116 registrants who took part in the inaugural conference of the Centre for Research on Colonial Culture for contributing to an intellectually enriching environment and fostering such an enjoyable and engaging atmosphere. Thanks to our students helpers especially, and to our wonderful keynote speakers!
CRoCC in the news
Tony Ballantyne was interviewed about the Centre for Research on Colonial Culture and our forthcoming Colonial Objects Conference recently. Read the story here.