
Seminars & Webinars

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11:00 am CEFGroup Webinar | How the NZ Superfund Invests in Climate Change @ Biochemistry Building Seminar Room G.13
CEFGroup Webinar | How the NZ Superfund Invests in Climate Change @ Biochemistry Building Seminar Room G.13
Jun 11 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
CEFGroup Webinar | How the NZ Superfund Invests in Climate Change @ Biochemistry Building Seminar Room G.13
Guest Speaker: Lucas Kengmana [Senior Investment Strategist, NZ Super Fund] | Joseph Duke Euphrat [Responsible Investment Intern, NZ Super Fund] Presentation Title: How the NZ Superfund Invests in Climate Change Date & Time: Friday 11th June,[...]

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