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Post-Graduate Students




Name Department Position Research Topic
Mr Long Chen School of Surveying PhD candidate GIS modelling (Christchurch)
Ms Duminda Karunarathne Department of Accountancy & Finance PhD candidate ESG disclosure and investor behaviour
Ms Ling Liao Department of Accountancy & Finance PhD candidate Climate finance in Australasia
Mr Andre Poyser Department of Accountancy & Finance PhD candidate Climate change & indigenous asset mgmt
Mr Leon Stirk-Wang Department of Economics PhD candidate Real estate economics (empirics)
Ms Tsani Rakhmah
Department of Geography
PhD candidate Renewable energy finance
Ms Dhanushika Samarawickrama
Department of Accountancy & Finance
PhD candidate Firm environmental and social disclosures
Mr Xiaojie Yu Department of Accountancy & Finance PhD candidate Financial development, FDI & environment
Mr Abrar Hussain Department of Accountancy & Finance PhD candidate Behavioural finance
Mr Mesfin Yasin Department of Accountancy & Finance PhD candidate ESG and earning Management
Mr Syed Maisam Raza Department of Accountancy & Finance PhD candidate Climate finance
Mr Budianto Budianto Department of Accountancy & Finance PhD candidate Environmental Policy Stringency and Climate Disclosure Quality



Name Department Position Research Topic
Prasad Nagasubramanian Department of Management MSusBus student 2023 Sustainable business



Name Current Position Year of Study Research Topic
Mr Kasun Perera Department of Accountancy & Finance PhD candidate Climate risk & idiosyncratic volatility puzzle
Ms Shabana Talpur Department of Accountancy & Finance PhD candidate Corporate social responsibility
Mr Junyu Zhang Department of Accountancy & Finance PhD candidate Environmental risks and options markets
Dr Khurshid Ali Lecturer, Lincoln University PhD 2019-2022 Climate disclosures
Dr Iftekhar Ahmed
Assistant Professor in Sustainable Finance,
Newcastle University
PhD 2019-2022 Climate finance, microfinance.
Dr Matt McCarten Lecturer in Sustainable Finance, University of Edinburgh PhD 2014-2018 Sustainable finance and electricity markets, investor litigation
Dr Dzung Nguyen Lecturer at the Academy of Finance [subordinated to the Ministry of Finance, Vietnam] PhD 2016-2020 The impact of financial integration and natural disasters on commercial banks
Dr Quyen Nguyen STRAND Marsden Postdoctoral Fellow, CEFGroup, University of Otago PhD 2018-2021 Climate finance, machine learning, GIS modelling (Dunedin)
Dr Daniel Tulloch Principal Analyst, Ministry for the Environment | Principal Advisory, The Treasury | Chief Advisor, Commerce Commission [New Zealand] PhD 2013-2016 The impact of risk factors and regulatory change in European energy utilities’ returns
Dr Renzhu Zhang Strategic Postdoctoral Fellow, CEFGroup, University of Otago PhD 2017-2020 Market reactions to climate policy changes, CEO succession



Name Current Position Year of Study Research Topic
Mr Freddie Cleverley Finance & Economics Senior Analyst, PwC New Zealand MFinc 2019 Renewable energy IPOs
Mr Duke Euphrat Senior Sustainable Investment Advisor, Ministry for Primary Industries MSusBus 2020 Impact investing in NZ
Mr Jansson Ford Analyst, Armillary Private Capital MFinc 2019 ESG ratings and option trader sentiment
Mr Benjamin Freschini N/A MFinc 2020 Green IPOs
Mr Luke Gordon Spot Trader, Snow Hydro MFinc 2021 Australian electricity market
Mr Hamish Kennett Investment Banking Analyst, Forsyth Barr MFinc 2019 Climate risk in the NZX
Mr Samuel Kirk-Reeve Analyst, Reserve Bank of New Zealand MFinc 2020 ESG investing
Ms Breanna McDowell Consultant, Deloitte New Zealand MFinc 2021 Green transport
Mr Lachie McLean Investment Banking Analyst, Jarden MFinc 2021 Asset manager green washing
Mr Josh Morrison Investment Banking Analyst, Rothschild & Co MFinc 2020 Energy finance in ASEAN
Ms Katherin Scott Finance Graduate, Fonterra MFinc 2020 ESG investing
Mr Tom Weatherall Financial Analyst, Templeton Group MFinc 2020 ESG investing
Tomas O’Connor Department of Accountancy & Finance MFinc 2022 Economic innovation and downside risks
Bridie Sheedy Department of Accountancy & Finance MFinc 2022 EPA enforcement’s impact on US stock markets
Bella Sigley Department of Accountancy & Finance MFinc 2022 Financial instruments for biodiversity
Amanda Sim Department of Accountancy & Finance MFinc 2022 Private debt market for a sustainable Aotearoa New Zealand
Ben Wilkinson Department of Accountancy & Finance MFinc 2022 The effect of divestment from ESG ETFs

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