Seminars & Webinars
Guest Speaker: Olaf Adam [Senior Manager of Sustainability, Westpac New Zealand]
Presentation Title: Lifting the Hood on Westpac’s Climate Risk Disclosure
Date & Time: Monday 24th May, 11.00am-11.50am
Venue: Otago Business School Seminar Room 1.17 | Livestream via Microsoft Team Meeting
Guest Speaker: Lucas Kengmana [Senior Investment Strategist, NZ Super Fund] | Joseph Duke Euphrat [Responsible Investment Intern, NZ Super Fund]
Presentation Title: How the NZ Superfund Invests in Climate Change
Date & Time: Friday 11th June, 11.00am-11.50am
Venue: Biochemistry Building Seminar Room G.13 | Livestream via Microsoft Team Meeting
Guest Speaker: Ross Pennington [General Counsel, P^werFinance]
Presentation Title: Sustainable Investing: Fiduciary Duty and the New Zealand Context
Date & Time: Thursday 5th August, 12.00pm-12.50pm
Venue: Burns 7 Seminar Room | Livestream via Zoom [password: susinv]
Guest Speaker: John Berry [Co-founder and CEO, Pathfinder Asset Management]
Presentation Title: The ABC of ESG: Unpacking Ethical Investing with John Berry
Date & Time: Thursday 12th August, 12.00pm-12.50pm
Venue: Burns 7 Seminar Room | Livestream via Zoom [password: susinv]
Guest Speaker: Peter Barnett [Head of Asia Climate and Energy, ClientEarth]
Presentation Title: Climate Change in the Boardroom and Courtroom: Legal Tools for Investor Climate Action
Date & Time: Thursday 26th August, 12.00pm-12.50pm
Venue: Livestream via Zoom [password: susinv]
Guest Speaker: Caroline Lambert [Head of Trade, Delegation of the European Union to Aotearoa/New Zealand]
Presentation Title: Sustainable Finance and Taxonomies
Date & Time: Thursday 23rd September, 12.00pm-12.50pm
Venue: Otago Business School Seminar Room G.19 | Livestream via Zoom [password: susinv]
Guest Speaker: Louise Aitken [CEO, The Ākina Foundation]
Presentation Title: The Rise and Opportunity of Impact Investing in Aotearoa NZ
Date & Time: Wednesday 6th September, 11.00am-11.50am
Venue: Moot Court Lecture Theatre | Livestream via Zoom [password: susinv]
Guest Speaker: Ivan Diaz-Rainey [Director, Climate and Energy Finance Group (CEFGroup); Associate Professor in Finance, Otago Business School, University of Otago] and Ling Liao [PhD Candidate in Climate Finance, CEFGroup, University of Otago]
Presentation Title: The Role of Fundamentals and Policy in New Zealand’s Carbon Prices
Date & Time: Thursday 7th October, 9:00am-10:00am
Venue: Livestream via Zoom | Registration Required
Guest Speaker: Ben McNeil [Co-Founder and Climate Scientist, Emmi]
Presentation Title: Understanding Transition Risk: Beyond Carbon Intensity
Date & Time: Wednesday 6th April, 11.00am-11.50am
Venue: Livestream via Zoom [passcode: cefgroup]