On Thursday 18th June, Carisa and Karen woke early (well, early for Carisa) and spoke with a group of scholars at McMaster University in Toronto, Canada about our recent Young Activists’ project article: “Consent Requires a Relationship: rethinking group consent and its timing in ethnographic research.” Professor Michelle Dion, the current academic director of McMaster’s Centre for Research in Empirical Social Science (CRESS) wrote to us after seeing the article to ask if we would talk with their research and ethics communities about the project as part of their “Productivity during Pandemic” Speaker Series. It was a great opportunity to meet with some engaging scholars and talk about ways we can reframe the ethics process when working with different communities and groups.
After we explained what motivated the paper and questions it is generating for us, Professor Violetta Igneski offered some prepared comments and feedback before the session opened up for more general discussion. The full session lasted just about an hour, and you can view it at this link. Thanks again to CRESS for the opportunity and Professor Dion for the invitation.