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Tag Archives: Rasch analysis

Congratulations Dr Emily Thomas PhD!!

Visual representation of change in self-identity after brain injury

A huge congratulations from RTRU to Dr Emily Thomas who was, just this month, awarded her PhD!  Emily’s thesis is entitled “Development of a measure of sense of self following traumatic brain injury” and can be downloaded from the OUR Archive website (click here for a direct link).

In addition to a number of conference presentations, Emily’s thesis has already resulted in one great publication (Thomas et al. 2014) and a book chapter (Thomas et al., 2015).  Another outcome from Emily’s thesis has been the finalisation of a new clinical measure: the Brain Injury Sense of Self Scale, which is a interval-level scale that can detect problems with self-identity after brain injury.  We are just in the process of setting up a new website to make this measure freely available.

Emily currently works as a rehabilitation consultants for the Solent NHS Trust in Southampton, UK.


1. Thomas EJ, Levack WMM, Taylor WJ. Self-reflective meaning making in troubled times: Change in self-identity after traumatic brain injury. Qualitative Health Research 2014;24(8):1033-47.
2. Thomas EJ, Levack WMM, Taylor WJ. Rehabilitation and recovery of self-identity. In: McPherson KM, Gibson BE, Leplege A, eds. Rethinking Rehabilitation: Theory & Practice. Boca Raton: CRC Press 2015.