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GO Members Otago Research Awards Success

Congratulations to Genetics Otago members who where recognised for their outstanding scholarly achievement with Otago Research Awards for 2024.

Research Group Award

Phage-host interactions (Phi) laboratory, led by GO member Professor Peter Fineran, Department of Microbiology and Immunology

The Phage-host interactions (Phi) research group has made world-leading discoveries that enhance the understanding of phages and their interactions with bacteria. Phages are viruses that infect and specifically kill bacteria. A major strength of the group that underlies its success is the interdisciplinary and complementary skills of the group and their collaborative approach. The Phi lab currently has 18 researchers, led by Professor Peter Fineran, and their expertise spans genetics, microbiology, biochemistry, structural biology, bioinformatics, high-throughput screens and surface chemistry.

Early Career Research Award

Dr Nathan Kenny, Department of Biochemistry

Nathan moved to Otago as a Rutherford Discovery Fellow about two and-a-half years ago and has quickly established a research niche at the intersection of comparative genomics and evolutionary biology, often working alongside hapori Māori. His current research focus is the molecular origins of resilience to the effects of climate change in the green-lipped mussel, Perna canaliculus.

Text from Otago Newsroom – read the full article here

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