Upcoming events hosted by or involving Genetics Otago will be listed here. Please check back regularly for updates. A calendar of events that may be of interest to our members can be found at the bottom of this page and in the sidebar of other pages on this site, please note that this includes events hosted outside of Genetics Otago.
Logan Walker IPL
Preparing for the future of genetic health
Logan is a cancer geneticist and the current Associate Dean Research, at the University of Otago Christchurch. His research focuses on understanding the impact of genetic changes on health. After completing post-doctoral training in Australia, and returning to the University of Otago, his research programme was significantly strengthened by being awarded a Sir Charles Hercus Health Research Fellowship (Health Research Council) followed by a Rutherford Discovery Fellowship (Royal Society Te Apārangi).
He is an invited member of several international groups tasked with improving protocols for genetic testing around the world. This work includes developing RNA diagnostic guidelines for both the clinical and research setting, and providing expert advice about the implementation of these guidelines and the interpretation of genetic test results. In collaboration with multiple international consortia, he has also contributed to and led some of the largest genetic association studies to discover inherited DNA copy number changes that increase or decrease susceptibility to cancer.s.
Date: Tuessday, 11th March 2025
Time: 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Venue: Rolleston Lecture Theatre, Christchurch Campus (and via Zoom)
AlphaFold for Geneticists
The AlphaFold for Geneticists workshop will introduce participants to the AI tool AlphaFold. Attendees will learn how to run AlphaFold on their chosen variant and interpret outputted results. Led by experts Prof Peter Mace and Dr Adam Middleton, the session will provide insight into the strengths and limitations of AlphaFold. Further details will be provided to registrants.
Date: Monday, 24th March 2025
Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Venue: TBC, Dunedin Campus
This workshop is now full, please email if you would like to be added to the waitlist.
Calendar of Events
The below is a calendar of events hosted by GO as well as events hosted by others that may be of interest to our members. If you have an event you would like us to include please contact us here.
This entertaining event gives thesis students the chance to present their research to a large audience while competing for a number of generous prizes, with the overall University of Otago Doctoral winner going on to participate in the online Asia-Pacific 3MT® final. We also have the opportunity to send the best Master’s contestant to represent the University in the online New Zealand Masters 3MT® National Inter-University Challenge.
The competition is open to both thesis Master’s and Doctoral students, who must communicate their research in no more than three minutes, with the help of only one static slide, with the presentation aimed at a non-specialist audience.
At this stage, the local 2021 University of Otago competition will be held in person, but arrangements are being made to revert to an online competition if necessary.
Entries close Friday 25 June
Register for this event
Have a look at past years’ events on our archive page.
Visit the HEDC Website for details and registration for this event and all other HEDC workshops. Places are limited.
Genetics Otago together with Allan Wilson @ Otago is pleased to bring you the second Ira Rangahau Symposium in June 2021. Initiated in 2019 by Dr Phillip Wilcox (Ngāti Rakaipaaka, Rongomaiwahine, Ngāti Kahungnu ki te Wairoa), Ira Rangahau brings together Māori kaipūtaio (scientists) from around the motu to present on their genetics-related research ranging from the primary sector, to health, to whakapapa and te taiao (the environment).
Biostatistics Centre
Te Pokapū Tatauranga Koiora
Division of Health Sciences
Te Wāhanga Matua Mātua Hauora
Biostatistical Tips from Biostatisticians
When: 28th June 2021,11:00am to 12:00pm
Where: Room 033, Adams Building, 18 Frederick Street
Presenter: Associate Professor Robin Turner
Feeling like it’s difficult to get Biostatistical help? Come along to our seminar to learn about what we do. We will answer all your questions on how to get fast access to Biostatistical help; including all the insider tips on how we work and how we collaborate with researchers.
Questions? Please email:
This entertaining event gives thesis students the chance to present their research to a large audience while competing for a number of generous prizes, with the overall University of Otago Doctoral winner going on to participate in the online Asia-Pacific 3MT® final. We also have the opportunity to send the best Master’s contestant to represent the University in the online New Zealand Masters 3MT® National Inter-University Challenge.
The competition is open to both thesis Master’s and Doctoral students, who must communicate their research in no more than three minutes, with the help of only one static slide, with the presentation aimed at a non-specialist audience – see below for more on eligibility and rules.
At this stage the local 2021 University of Otago competition will be held in person, but arrangements are being made to revert to an online competition if necessary.
Entries close Friday 25 June
Active PhD and Professional Doctorate candidates who have successfully passed their confirmation milestone (including candidates whose thesis is under examination, but not graduates) by the date of their first presentation are eligible to participate in all levels of the 3MT® competition. The University of Otago overall winner will be entered in the Asia-Pacific 3MT® final. Pre-confirmation PhD candidates who are active in programme are eligible to participate in heats, but cannot advance to the University of Otago Grand Final.
Master’s thesis (90 points of research or more) candidates who are active in programme (including candidates whose thesis is under examination, but not graduates) are eligible to participate in all levels of the 3MT® competition. The overall winner will be entered in the New Zealand Masters 3MT® National Inter-University Challenge.
Competition timeline
- Monday 28 June 1.30pm
University of Otago Christchurch 3MT® competition, Beaven Lecture Theatre, Christchurch campus. - Tuesday 29 June 1pm
University of Otago Wellington 3MT® competition, Small Lecture Theatre, Wellington campus.
Note: the Christchurch and Wellington competitions feed into the Health Sciences Divisional heat, other Division candidates located in Christchurch/Wellington can present at these events and be judged as part of their Divisional heat.
- Tuesday 6 July 10am
Humanities Division 3MT® heat, Moot Court, Richardson Building, Dunedin campus. - Wednesday 7 July 2pm
Health Sciences Division 3MT® heat, Barnett Lecture Theatre, Dunedin Hospital. - Thursday 8 July 10am
Commerce Division 3MT® heat, Otago Business School Lecture Room 1.17, Dunedin campus. - Friday 9 July 10am
Sciences Division 3MT® heat, Mellor Laboratories Seminar Room 2.02, Dunedin campus.
Heat winners progress to the Grand Final (see below).
- Thursday 5 August 5pm
University of Otago 3MT® grand final, venue to be confirmed.
Grand Final winners progress to further national/international competitions:
- Master’s, Tuesday 31 August.
- Doctoral, September/October.
Competition rules
The University of Otago 3MT® competition follows the official rules of the founder, the University of Queensland.
Have a look at past years’ events on our archive page.
R – Data Analysis Walkthrough (via Zoom)
Go through the steps of a data analysis using sample data. Set up and modify data files, run analyses, and plot graphs. As this is an online training session delivered via Zoom, participants should have R and RStudio installed on the machine they are practicing on.
Tuesday 29th June, 10:00am – 12:00pm
Campus: Online
Cost: Free for Staff / Free for Students
Platform: Windows but works the same on Macintoshes
Book Online:
This entertaining event gives thesis students the chance to present their research to a large audience while competing for a number of generous prizes, with the overall University of Otago Doctoral winner going on to participate in the online Asia-Pacific 3MT® final. We also have the opportunity to send the best Master’s contestant to represent the University in the online New Zealand Masters 3MT® National Inter-University Challenge.
The competition is open to both thesis Master’s and Doctoral students, who must communicate their research in no more than three minutes, with the help of only one static slide, with the presentation aimed at a non-specialist audience – see below for more on eligibility and rules.
At this stage the local 2021 University of Otago competition will be held in person, but arrangements are being made to revert to an online competition if necessary.
Entries close Friday 25 June
Active PhD and Professional Doctorate candidates who have successfully passed their confirmation milestone (including candidates whose thesis is under examination, but not graduates) by the date of their first presentation are eligible to participate in all levels of the 3MT® competition. The University of Otago overall winner will be entered in the Asia-Pacific 3MT® final. Pre-confirmation PhD candidates who are active in programme are eligible to participate in heats, but cannot advance to the University of Otago Grand Final.
Master’s thesis (90 points of research or more) candidates who are active in programme (including candidates whose thesis is under examination, but not graduates) are eligible to participate in all levels of the 3MT® competition. The overall winner will be entered in the New Zealand Masters 3MT® National Inter-University Challenge.
Competition timeline
- Monday 28 June 1.30pm
University of Otago Christchurch 3MT® competition, Beaven Lecture Theatre, Christchurch campus. - Tuesday 29 June 1pm
University of Otago Wellington 3MT® competition, Small Lecture Theatre, Wellington campus.
Note: the Christchurch and Wellington competitions feed into the Health Sciences Divisional heat, other Division candidates located in Christchurch/Wellington can present at these events and be judged as part of their Divisional heat.
- Tuesday 6 July 10am
Humanities Division 3MT® heat, Moot Court, Richardson Building, Dunedin campus. - Wednesday 7 July 2pm
Health Sciences Division 3MT® heat, Barnett Lecture Theatre, Dunedin Hospital. - Thursday 8 July 10am
Commerce Division 3MT® heat, Otago Business School Lecture Room 1.17, Dunedin campus. - Friday 9 July 10am
Sciences Division 3MT® heat, Mellor Laboratories Seminar Room 2.02, Dunedin campus.
Heat winners progress to the Grand Final (see below).
- Thursday 5 August 5pm
University of Otago 3MT® grand final, venue to be confirmed.
Grand Final winners progress to further national/international competitions:
- Master’s, Tuesday 31 August.
- Doctoral, September/October.
Competition rules
The University of Otago 3MT® competition follows the official rules of the founder, the University of Queensland.
Have a look at past years’ events on our archive page.
R – ggplot graphs (via Zoom)
Exploring the options for making graphs with ggplot2 in R. As this is an online training session delivered via Zoom, participants should have R & R Studio already installed on the machine they are practicing on.
Thursday 1st July, 10:00am – 12:00pm
Campus: Online
Cost: Free for Staff / Free for Students
Platform: Macintosh but works the same on Windows
Book Online:
Research Bazaar (ResBaz) is coming to Dunedin: workshops, compelling seminars, engaging discussion. Free of charge!
Attending ResBaz offers:
– Hearing how researchers currently use digital tools and coding to improve their research
– Workshops on learning to code and ways to improve your efficiency in research
– Engagement with a community designed for continued peer-learning
From the 5th to the 7th of July 2021, the University of Otago will be hosting ResBaz, a worldwide event designed to promote and teach the computing and digital collaboration skills that now play a central role in today’s fast-paced research.
With a combination of keynote research seminars, hands-on training workshops and group discussion sessions, ResBaz is targeted at postgraduate research students and early career researchers who are wanting to upskill in these areas.
Workshop sessions will cover:
– Data analysis and visualisation with R and RStudio
– Bash scripting
– Improved reproducibility with version control and workflow languages
– Research data management
– Web site creation with GitHub
– Science communication
– Even more! (see link below)
Check out for a full list and description of sessions.
This event is free, but spaces are limited so registration is essential!
To register or see the draft schedule for ResBaz Dunedin 2021, go to
For additional information about Research Bazaar, please email the ResBaz Dunedin 2021 organising committee at:
We’re looking forward to seeing you at ResBaz 2021!
Course Duration: 2-Days
Platform: There are no software requirements.
Overview: This course is a fun introduction to the appropriate application and interpretation of biostatistical concepts. It is for people working in clinical research who have no formal statistical training.
Contents: The focus of this course will be on understanding the appropriate use of statistical methods, the implications when underlying assumptions are not met, and how to interpret statistical results. Participants will not be carrying out analyses. Course material will be presented through examples, and all statistical analyses will be performed by the course instructors. Topics include handling data, collecting data, study design, inference and sample size calculations. The course is presented by Associate Professor Robin Turner, Director of the Biostatistics Centre. Morning and afternoon tea will be provided. **GST applies to all credit card payments** All students who wish to pay by departmental cost code need to email: If you have any questions about the course contents/level, please email:
More Details: