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Careers and Opportunities


Careers in Genetics

Genetics Otago and the Genetics Teaching Programme are both often asked: “What can I do with a degree majoring in Genetics?” While the answer is not quite “Anything!” it is pretty close.

The sectors requiring genetics graduates are only expanding: you could be a researcher, lab technician, innovator, genetic counsellor, bio-science marketer, forensic scientist, agricultural consultant, museum professional, science writer or journalist, policy advisor, environmental worker, teacher, patent specialist, and more.

In an attempt to show the diversity of jobs available to our graduates we hold an annual Career Evening in collaboration with the Department of Biochemistry and the Department of Microbiology and Immunology. Since 2019 these evenings have been recorded and you can watch a small selection of these presentations here.

You can watch more science graduates talk about their careers on this Careers Information Evenings YouTube playlist

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Current Opportunities

If you would like to advertise a project, job or opportunity please get in touch with us here.


  • The MAppSc (Quantitative Genetics) is looking to establish and maintain a list of research projects appropriate for their APPS597 (Supervised Independent Study) paper ( Projects should be broadly statistics based, connecting genotype with phenotype and be of a suitable scope for a 40-point paper. Supervision is open to all University of Otago campuses and to industry and research institutes (supervisors need not be academic staff). If you have a project you would like considered please contact Dr Phil Wilcox (



  • The Heart Research Institute has an exciting opportunity for postgraduates from New Zealand considering a career in medical research, including the pursuit of doctoral studies. The position is in our newly established Centre for Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) and offers up to 12-months’ paid work placement at HRI’s state-of-the-art laboratories in Sydney, Australia as a Research Assistant. This fantastic program ensures the successful applicant will receive training and full mentorship in groundbreaking cardiovascular disease research, as well as the opportunity to build their career profile towards a PhD. More details here. Applicants can apply via the Seek ad: Research Assistant – Peripheral Artery Disease – The Heart Research Institute Job in Auckland CBD, Auckland, New Zealand – SEEK. Anyone interested can also send their applications or queries to our careers inbox at


  • Genetics Otago is looking for Science Communication Interns to help with content creation for our blog, YouTube channel, and annual magazine. You do not need to have formal science communication training, just an interest in the area of either genetics or science communication. Your work will be fully credited and viewed by our members, university leaders, high school students and the general public. If you are interested or would like to know more please contact us.



None Currently

None Currently



  • Division of Sciences Outreach Certificate – If you are a student who would like to earn hours towards an outreach certificate please get in touch. We have opportunities to write for our Blog, to participate in school outreach and to help in the organisation of hubs and events.
  • Professor Martin Kennedy, EDGI NZ co-lead Investigator, is looking for any New Zealander, aged 16 and over, with first-hand experience of an eating disorder, to volunteer for an important genetics study. For more information or to volunteer, visit or email
  • Biomedical Research Community Survey: Biomedical Research Community Survey

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