Bioethics Seminar – “Who Owns Data? A Critical Analysis of Data Ownership and Data Rights.”
71 Frederick Street
Tēnā koutou I tēnei ahiahi,
Please find the attached Bioethics Seminar poster for next Monday – 17 May 2021, 1-1:50pm – hosted by Odette Shaw, PhD, titled, “Who Owns Data? A Critical Analysis of Data Ownership and Data Rights.”
Bioethics Seminar Poster – Odette Shaw – 17 May 2021
For those who wish to attend in person, please come to the Bioethics Seminar Room (Room 119), Bioethics Centre, Level 1, 71 Frederick Street, Dunedin.
For those who cannot attend in person, you are welcome to join via the ZOOM link below:
To those joining online, we do ask that you please mute yourself upon arrival to avoid accidental interruptions.
Password: 595584
Video linked:
To secure the booking for this seminar video link (northern campuses), please register your name, subject and date of seminar for attendance:
University of Otago, Wellington Room C.31 Contact:
University of Otago Christchurch Room 7.11 Contact:
Please note: if there is no registration (for northern campuses) by the Thursday prior to the advertised seminar, the booking currently in place will be terminated.
Dunedin attendees do not need to register