Successful symposium on Indigenous Textual Cultures
The Centre was pleased to hold the Indigenous Textual Cultures symposium this week, an event that attracted a number of scholars from around the world interested in the history of indigenous peoples’ engagement with texts, and textual culture. Mark Brunton, Research Manager Māori gave a mihi whakatau (welcome) to open the event, which was held at the wonderful Hocken Collections, one of New Zealand’s premier research libraries and archives. A full hour was assigned for each presentation, allowing for depth of discussion within a focused event.

Presenters from left: Michael Reilly (Otago); Isabel Hofmeyr (Witswaterand); Tony Ballantyne (Otago); Keith Thor Carlson (Saskatchewan); Ārini Loader (VUW); ; Anna Johnston (Tasmania); Laura Rademaker (ANU); Bruno Saura (Polynésie Française); Emma Hunter (Cambridge); Lachy Paterson (Otago). Absent: Noelani Arista (Hawai’i)
See programme for full details and abstracts.
Although there are of course specific differences in how indigenous peoples of various localities and time periods engaged with literacy and texts, the symposium was extremely valuable in generating conversation, and a publication is planned from research presented. We would like to thank the locals who came along to listen, as well as several from the North Island. In particular we would like to thank Julie Gough for the amazing poster image, and the Hocken Collections for all their support.