Introduction to Bibliography Workshop

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Monday 7 April, 9:30 am–1 pm
Half-Day Free Workshop: Introduction to Descriptive and Analytical Bibliography

Who: Dr. Shef Rogers, co-director of the Centre for the Book and Sr.
Lecturer in the Department of English and Linguistics
When: 9:30am-1:00pm, Monday 7 April
Where: Central Library, Cen 1 (first floor, east end)

Morning workshop providing an overview of all aspects of how to
interpret and record information about historical books as physical
objects.  The program will be divided into four half-hour sessions
with a tea break in the middle at 11 and will cover the idea of the
printing forme, paper and imposition, some distinguishing features of
different European practices, and how to read a collation formula.  We
will also discuss binding and provenance information.  There will be a
final fifth session for questions.  Each session will involve the
participants in some interpretative task and all handouts and morning
tea will be provided by the Centre for the Book.

Come learn how to really look at a book, from the inside out.

At the moment, this workshop is full.  If you are interested in being put on a waiting list or possibly attending a second workshop a few weeks later, please email Shef Rogers (

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